How cold does it get in New York during December?
Weather in New York City in December During the day the average highs are 43F (6C), at night the average temperature reaches 32F (0C). While not as cold as January and February, you should prepare for the cold! On average three days a month in December, the temperature will reach below 20F (-8 C).
Does New York snow in December?
Unlike November, when snow is fairly rare, snow in December usually occurs on about 2-3 days during the month with 1 day, on average, receiving a snowfall of 1 inch (2.5 cm) or more. Historically in New York City, December has seen a very large range in snowfalls from one year to the next.
What is the average temperature in New York the first week of December?
Daily high temperatures decrease by 7°F, from 49°F to 42°F, rarely falling below 30°F or exceeding 61°F. Daily low temperatures decrease by 7°F, from 38°F to 31°F, rarely falling below 18°F or exceeding 49°F.
What is the coldest month of the year in New York?
The cold season lasts for 3.3 months, from December 3 to March 12, with an average daily high temperature below 48°F. The coldest month of the year in New York City is January, with an average low of 29°F and high of 40°F.
Is New York good in December?
If you’re planning a trip to New York City, you’ll find that December is one of the most fun and exciting times to visit. Be sure to dress warmly however, as NYC weather in December can easily drop to freezing, with the average snowfall for the month being 11.5 inches.
What is the best month to visit NYC?
An ideal New York City vacation involves mild weather and fewer travelers, and the times that have both are spring and fall. Visit the city anytime between April to early June, or around September to early November, when the kids are in school and people aren’t swarming major attractions.