How do I add a domain to Google Maps API?
Click the main menu icon on the top left corner and navigate to “APIs & Services” > “Credentials”. On the following page, click the pencil (edit) icon next to the API key to which you need to add a referrer.
Does Google API key expire?
The fact of the matter is Public API keys don’t expire. They are valid for as long as you don’t delete them. So feel free to request as much public data for as long as you want, with in the limitations of your quota of course. Welcome to the would of Developing with Google!
How do I restrict Google API key?
Setting an API restriction for an API key
- Go to the credentials page.
- Select the API key that you want to restrict. The Restrict and rename API key page appears.
- Under API restrictions: Click Restrict key.
- Click Save. The restriction becomes part of the API key definition after this step.
How much does a Google Maps API key cost?
The latest Google API Key billing will cost you $0.50 USD / 1000 additional requests, up to 100,000 daily. However, you can manage your cost of use by setting your own QPD limits in Google Cloud Platform Console.
How can I check if my Google map API key is valid?
Go to the Billing page in the Google Cloud Console and select the project under which your API key was created. To confirm the key is associated with the project: Go to the Credentials section, which can be accessed from the left side bar under Google Maps Platform > Credentials.
Are API keys sensitive?
Why you shouldn’t store API keys on Git repositories Storing API Keys, or any other sensitive information, on a git repository is something to be avoided at all costs. Even if the repository is private, you should not see it as a safe place to store sensitive information.
Is Google Maps API free for students?
We are an educational institute that was previously verified by google as such and thus enabling us free access to google maps for our students.
How do I add HTTP referrers to Google Maps API key?
To add HTTP referrers follow these steps: Step 1: Ensure you’re logged in with the Google account under which you created your Google Maps API key. Step 2: Navigate to Google Console Credentials screen and click to your API key to enter it.
How to add API restrictions to Google Maps API key?
To add API restrictions to your API key follow these steps: Step 1: Ensure you’re logged in with the Google account under which you created your Google Maps API key. Step 2: Navigate to Google Console Credentials screen and click to your API key to enter it.
How do I update my referrer list for an API key?
If you add or change one of your domains, you may need to update your referrer list for that API key. Visit the Google Cloud Console at and log in with your Google Account. Note: If possible, it’s best to use a Google account set up specifically for your association (as opposed to your personal account).
Why am I getting referernotallowedmaperror on Google Maps?
RefererNotAllowedMapError The current URL loading the Google Maps JavaScript API has not been added to the list of allowed referrers. Please check the referrer settings of your API key on Google Cloud Console.