How do I become a CBRN specialist?

How do I become a CBRN specialist?

To become a CBRN specialist, you will train for 10 weeks at Basic Training, where you will learn basic soldiering skills. After that, you will participate in 10 weeks of Advanced Individual Training and on-the-job instruction.

What do CBRN specialists do?

The CBRN specialists conduct CBRN reconnaissance and surveillance; perform decontamination operations; conduct obscuration operations; conduct CBRN sensitive site exploitation; and operate and perform operator maintenance on assigned CBRN defense and individual CBRN protective equipment.

What does a chemical specialist do in the army?

Chemical Operations Specialists are primarily responsible for operating, maintaining or supervising the use of nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) detection and decontamination equipment.

What is a 74 Delta MOS?

The 74D MOS is the Army classification for a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Specialists (CBRN). These individuals are highly trained soldiers who can work in any environment. The Scientific Applications Specialists has similar duties in the Air Force.

What is a chemical specialist?

Chemical specialists are mainly responsible for performing, managing, or supervising the use of radioactive, biological, and chemical detection and decontamination devices. They are in charge of operating and performing operator maintenance on smoke generating equipment and decontamination equipment.

What do CBRN specialists make?

CBRN Specialist Salary

Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $100,000 $8,333
75th Percentile $57,000 $4,750
Average $49,010 $4,084
25th Percentile $32,000 $2,666

How much does a CBRN specialist make?

Where do 74d get stationed?

After Basic, an Army CBRN Specialist will train for 11 weeks at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. This facility is the primary location for CBRN operations training for the U.S. Army.

What is 54B in the Army?

54B MOS. Operates, performs operator maintenance or supervises the use of NBC detection and decontamination equipment.

Where do 74D get stationed?

Where are 74D stationed?

U.S. Army Future Soldier Center As a 74D, CBRN Specialist you will be trained in chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear, or CBRN, defense. Training for MOS 74D takes place at Ft Leonard Wood, MO, in the latest state-of-the-art chemical defense training facilities in the world.

Can a 74D go airborne?

Enlisting with the “airborne option” gives the new 74D about a 95 percent chance of being assigned to Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

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