How do I close an iframe?

How do I close an iframe?

All these steps are on the GitHub link:

  1. You have to inject a JS file on the parent page.
  2. In this file injected on the parent, add a window event listner window. addEventListener(‘message’, function(e) { var someIframe = window. parent. document.
  3. Inside the Iframe page you send the close command via postMessage:

How do I turn off iframe parent window?

1 Answer. Using this: parent. window. close(); or this: top.

Is iframe going away?

IFrames are not obsolete, but the reasons for using them are rare. Using IFrames to serve your own content creates a “wall” around accessing the content in that area. For crawlers like Google, It’s not immediately clear that cotent in an iframe will be ranked as highly as if the content were simply part of the page.

What is window parent in JavaScript?

The Window. parent property is a reference to the parent of the current window or subframe. If a window does not have a parent, its parent property is a reference to itself. When a window is loaded in an , , or , its parent is the window with the element embedding the window.

Why is iframe not good?

Iframes Bring Security Risks. If you create an iframe, your site becomes vulnerable to cross-site attacks. You may get a submittable malicious web form, phishing your users’ personal data. A malicious user can run a plug-in.

How to get an element from an iframe with JavaScript?

How TO – Get Iframe Elements. ❮ Previous Next ❯. Get an element from within an iframe with JavaScript. Click the button to hide the first H1 element in the iframe (another document). Get the first element inside the iframe and hide it: var iframe = document.getElementById(“myFrame”);

Is it possible to close the current iframe?

82 “Closing” the current iFrame is not possible but you can tell the parent to manipulate the dom and make it invisible. In IFrame: parent.closeIFrame();

How do I hide the first h1 element in an iframe?

Click the button to hide the first H1 element in the iframe (another document). Get the first element inside the iframe and hide it: var iframe = document.getElementById(“myFrame”); var elmnt = iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName(“H1”)[0];

How to send events from parent window to the iframe?

Since I can’t access any element from parent window within the IFrame, this communication can only be made posting events between the two windows using window.postMessage All these steps are on the GitHub link: 1- You have to inject a JS file on the parent page. 2- In this file injected on the parent, add a window event listner

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