How do I force Apple to update Podcasts?

How do I force Apple to update Podcasts?

To expedite the refresh of your show on Apple Podcasts or if updates or new episodes are not showing within 12-24 hours, you can visit your Apple Podcasts Connect dashboard to request a manual refresh of your RSS feed (see example screenshot below).

How often does Apple podcasts update?

Apple Podcasts checks RSS feeds frequently to detect new episodes and any other metadata or artwork changes so that listeners have access to the latest as soon as possible. These changes usually display quickly — often within a few hours.

Why does Apple podcast not show all episodes?

If you do not see all the episodes of a podcast and you are wondering “why can’t I see all Apple Podcasts episodes”, it may be that there is a technical issue in the app that is causing the problem for you. If that still does not work, try toggling the Airplane mode on and off and it will re-fetch the episodes for you.

How do I update my podcast picture on Itunes?

You need to upload a new image, with a different filename, to the server and then amend the URL to that image’s URL in the ‘itunes:image’ tag; then re-upload the feed. It may take the Store some days to display the new image.

How do I fix my Apple podcast?

  1. Force Quit the Podcasts app.
  2. Delete and Reinstall the Apple Podcasts app.
  3. Turn ON and Off Airplane Mode on iPhone.
  4. Check if Apple Servers are Working or Not.
  5. Restart Your iPhone.
  6. Restart Wi-Fi router.
  7. Reset iPhone Network Settings.
  8. Reset All Settings.

How do I update podcast app?

To check for updates manually, select Podcasts in the Library section of the source list, and then click the round-circle refresh button in the lower-left corner of the view under the Unplayed or Podcasts tab, or the Refresh button in the lower-right corner of the view under the List tab.

How do I get older podcasts on iTunes?

If you don’t see an older podcast in iTunes, try accessing the listing from the phone/iPod. all you have to do is select the podcast in your itunes hit podcast settings, select keep and download “all episodes” and then you will see all the old ones too. You can then delet what you want.

Can you change your podcast cover?

To change your podcast cover art for an episode: Find the episode you want to change. Scroll to the Episode Artwork section. Drag and drop (or upload using browse files) to attach your image. Save the episode.

How do I see all episodes on Apple podcast?

To see all available episodes of a Show, you need to click Show in the Library screen, then click Available Episodes. Another way is to click See More Episodes in any episode page in Listen Now to a Station.

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