How do I get a second last child in CSS?

How do I get a second last child in CSS?

CSS :nth-last-child() Selector

  1. Specify a background color for every

    element that is the second child of its parent, counting from the last child: p:nth-last-child(2) {

  2. Odd and even are keywords that can be used to match child elements whose index is odd or even.
  3. Using a formula (an + b).

What is TD nth child 2?

tr:nth-child(even) or tr:nth-child(2n) Represents the even rows of an HTML table: 2, 4, 6, etc.

How do you choose a child in CSS?

The child combinator ( > ) is placed between two CSS selectors. It matches only those elements matched by the second selector that are the direct children of elements matched by the first. Elements matched by the second selector must be the immediate children of the elements matched by the first selector.

How do you call the last child in CSS?

CSS :last-child Selector

  1. Definition and Usage. The :last-child selector matches every element that is the last child of its parent. Tip: p:last-child is equal to p:nth-last-child(1).
  2. Browser Support. The numbers in the table specifies the first browser version that fully supports the selector.
  3. CSS Syntax. :last-child {

Is last child jQuery?

It is a jQuery Selector used to select every element that is the last child of its parent. Return Value: It selects and returns the last child element of its parent.

What nth last child?

The :nth-last-child selector allows you select one or more elements based on their source order, according to a formula. It is defined in the CSS Selectors Level 3 spec as a “structural pseudo-class”, meaning it is used to style content based on its relationship with parent and sibling elements.

How can I find my last child?

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