How do I get Magnum Recvx?
Item Location The magnum is found in Antarctica during Chris’s part of the game. In the room where you fill up the fire extinguisher, take the lift down and then use the extinguisher on the fire to get through the area and obtain the magnum.
How do you fill the fire extinguisher in Resident Evil Code Veronica?
The Extinguisher you find becomes empty after you use it. It can, however, be refilled in the Water Tank Room of the Antarctic Transport Terminal. Until you find this place where you can refill it, this item serves no purpose.
Where can I get a fire extinguisher Code Veronica?
Location. The Extinguisher can be found behind a shutter in the prison’s Guillotine square. It is guarded by two Zombies.
Does Code Veronica have item boxes?
A large box with enough space to store your items. Use this to store any items you do not wish to carry.
Where does the Navy proof Code Veronica?
The Navy proof can be found near the collapse entrance of the official residence vestibule. As Chris, it will be at the same location Claire left it before.
Where is the first item box Code Veronica?
Secretary’s Office – Palace 2F.
What is the Navy proof for in Resident Evil Code Veronica?
A small grey hexagonal stone object, showing a carving of a submarine. This item, used in conjunction with the Air Force Proof and the Army Proof, is used to activate the platform mechanism to board the plane in the Boarding Area.
Where does the eagle plate go in Code Veronica?
There are two of these plates in the game, and both are used in two different locations. One is used on the stone pedestal overlooking the courtyard in the 2F Back Courtyard of the Military Training Facility. Another is used on the guillotine in the Execution Yard of the Prison.
How long is Resident Evil Code Veronica?
According to, Resident Evil Code: Veronica takes about 11 and a half hours to beat. When compared to the older Resident Evil games – meaning all the ones before Resident Evil 4 introduced the over-the-shoulder camera – this is especially long.
How do you get the gold Luger?
The Gold Lugers can be first be found in the Screening room in the area behind the bookshelf that moves after watching the film that plays. They take up 2 spaces of inventory and picking up the Lugers here will activate a trap that will lock Claire in the room. Putting them back will deactivate the trap.
Where is the blue ant in Code Veronica?
A king ant object that contains a blue sapphire. A king ant object made up of a blue jewel. This object is used on the music box lid in Alfred’s Bedroom in the Ashford Private Residence.
Where does the skeleton picture go in Code Veronica?
It is hung inside the Biological laboratory in the Military Training Center.