How do I program my PC1616?

How do I program my PC1616?

Enter Programming *8-5555- Enter section 898….DSC Power Series PC1616, PC1832, PC1864 Quickstart

  1. *8 5555 on the keypad.
  2. You will then be asked for ‘Section’ .. Enter in 999.
  3. You will then be asked to enter Installer code .. Enter 5555.
  4. The keypad should beep and then ask you for ‘Section’ again .. Enter 999 again.

How do I reset my DSC Power Series alarm?

How to Reset a DSC Alarm After the Power Has Been Off

  1. Open the access door on the unit. Video of the Day.
  2. Press and hold the “RESET” key for 2 seconds.
  3. Press the buttons “*72” if the alarm does not reset after pressing the RESET button.
  4. Check the sensors if it still does not turn off.

How do I change my DSC installer code?

How do I change the DSC 1616, 1832, and 1864 installer code?

  1. Enter programming with *8-installer code (default is 5555).
  2. Go to section 006 to change the installer code.
  3. Enter a unique 4 digit code. The system should beep 3 times and exit back out.
  4. Press # to exit programming mode.

How do I bypass a zone on DSC pc1832?

Bypassing Zones Press * ①, then your access code. 2. Enter the two-digit zone number to be bypassed (01-64). The zone light will turn on to indicate that the zone is bypassed.

How do I reset my DSC keypad?

Steps to Reset Your DSC Home Alarm Press and hold the Reset button for three seconds. Or, press * and 72 if your keypad doesn’t have the Reset button.

How do I change my installer code DSC 1864?

Is there a user manual for the pc1616 pc1832/pc1864?

PC1616/PC1832/PC1864 User Manual WARNING: This manual contains information on limitations regarding product use and function and information on the limitations as to liability of the manufacturer. The entire manual should be carefully read. PC1616/PC1832/PC1864 User Manual

What is the installation guide for the powerseries pc1616 control panel?

This Installation Guide provides the basic installation, wiring and programming information required to program the PowerSeries PC1616, PC1832 and PC1864 control panels. This guide shall be used in conjunction with the PowerSeries PC1616/1832/1 864 Reference Manualwhich

Where can the pc1616/1832/1864 alarm system be used?

WARNING: This equipment, PC1616/1832/1864 Alarm System shall be installed and used within an environment that provides the pollution degree max 2 and over-voltages category II non-hazardous locations, indoor only.

Where can I find the UL listing guide for pcpc1832 and pc1864 control panels?

PC1832 and PC1864 control panels. This guide shall be used in conjunction with the PowerSeries PC1616/1832/1 864 Reference Manualwhich can be obtained from your local dealer or downloaded from the DSC web site at All necessary information required to meet UL Listing requirements is included in this document.

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