How do I put age verification on my website?

How do I put age verification on my website?

Adding The Code To Your Create Site

  1. Login to your Create Account.
  2. Click ‘Content’ in the Top Menu.
  3. Click ‘HTML Fragments’ in the left-hand menu.
  4. Click the green ‘Add HTML Fragment’ button.
  5. Name the HTML Fragment ‘Age Verify” under ‘Description’ and paste the code into the ‘HTML Code’ box.

Does age gate affect SEO?

Setting up the wrong kind of age verification gate, or doing it incorrectly, can hurt your SEO. A common mistake is using an age-gate that blocks search engine crawlers from accessing, reading and ultimately indexing your website’s content on desktop, mobile or both.

Do I need age verification on my website?

The goal of age verification is to make sure that vendors selling adult products aren’t advertising to minors. And even though laws for checking your user’s age will vary depending on where you live, adding age verification to websites is a no brainer for anyone who works with adult products.

What is age verification online?

An age verification system, also known as an age gate, is a technical protection measure used to restrict access to digital content from those that are not appropriately-aged.

How can I verify my website?

Simple Tricks to Verify Website Authenticity

  1. Check the connection type. You don’t have to be a pro to understand the website’s connection type.
  2. Check the site’s security.
  3. Check the URL.
  4. Check website content.
  5. Check the website’s social proof.
  6. Google Safe Browsing Transparency Report.

Why do alcohol websites ask your age?

In fact, despite the ubiquity of the practice, there’s no law requiring alcohol companies to verify a user’s age before granting them access. Instead, the companies do it voluntarily to appease those that feel that the less young people know about, and are exposed to, information about alcohol, the better.

Why do websites have age restrictions?

Some apps are designed for older people and adults, this can be due to the content on the app, the data that is stored on the users, or could be due to the aim of the app (for example dating apps). The reason most social media services use an age limit of 13 or over is in part because of a law in the USA.

Is AgeChecker Net Safe?

AgeChecker.Net – Secure online age verification Our system is designed to prevent underage sales and comply with the latest FDA, federal, and state regulations. We handle age verification so you don’t have to manually verify customers or risk selling to underage buyers.

How does age verification work?

So when a customer enters their address and personal information in the vendor’s site, the age verification service compares what is entered with known information about adults at that address. If a kid steals a parent’s identifying information and credit card, it’s possible to trick the system.

Can you lie on age verification?

Problems Even When Age Gates Are Still Allowed In fact, people who don’t strictly “need” to lie on age gates still do so. Customers have neither an obligation nor a tangible incentive to tell the truth.

How do I get my website verified by Google?

1. Get your verification code

  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.
  2. At the top of the dashboard, click the buttons to set up your G Suite account and verify your domain.
  3. On the Verify your domain page, you’ll see the meta tag to use to verify your domain.
  4. Copy the entire verification record.

What is the preferred method for verifying a site with Google?

Save your page. Confirm that the tag is present in your live page by visiting the page and looking for the tag in the page source code. (Press Control + F then search for “google-site-verification” in the page source to find the tag.) Complete verification by clicking Verify in the verification details page.

Is age verification important for SEO?

Sites that require some kind of age verification gating system, such as you see on alcohol sites or some video game sites, can be a complicated thing when it comes to SEO. On the one hand, those sites are required by law to ask someone’s age before viewing the content on the site.

What is an age verification popup and how does it work?

What Is an Age Verification Popup? An age verification popup is a popup campaign shown to visitors to make sure they are old enough to browse the content of your site. Businesses who sell tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, or other adult products use verification to ensure their site’s visitors can legally (and safely) view their content.

Do you need an Age Check popup for your website?

And while some companies make entire age verification pages for their site, others prefer a simple age check popup. You’ve probably run into these age verification messages before. They look like this: Many businesses add website age verification popups for both moral and legal reasons.

What is age verification and why is it important?

The goal of age verification is to make sure that vendors selling adult products aren’t advertising to minors. And while some companies make entire age verification pages for their site, others prefer a simple age check popup. You’ve probably run into these age verification messages before.

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