How do I survive my first anime convention?

How do I survive my first anime convention?

10 Essential Tips For Surviving Your First Anime Convention,…

  1. 1 Enjoy. After all the budgeting and planning, there is one last thing to do at the con: Enjoy it.
  2. 2 Budget.
  3. 3 Stay Safe.
  4. 4 Please Be Clean.
  5. 5 Prepare for Emergencies.
  6. 6 Plan A Breakable Experience.
  7. 7 Drink Water.
  8. 8 Know the Weather.

Are anime conventions kid friendly?

Generally, if your child is above the age of 13, well behaved, and traveling with a group of trusted friends, it’s probably fine for them to attend the convention without you. Is my child safe? Anime cons are generally very safe environments.

What should my first cosplay be?

You Want to Cosplay The first is the generic concept, as opposed to character. “Zombie Lumberjack” and “Sexy Nurse” don’t work very well, whereas “Zombie Deadpool” and “Sexy Pikachu” DO work well. You can edit a character however you want, but you will feel like you fit in if it’s an actual character.

How do you start cosplaying for beginners?

10 Tips for Cosplay Beginners

  1. Choose a Character You Love.
  2. Good, Fast, Cheap – Choose Two.
  3. Do Your Research.
  4. Start Small… and Keep Growing.
  5. Just Do It.
  6. Don’t Go It Alone.
  7. Don’t Worry About Accuracy (Too Much)
  8. Don’t Let Others Drag You Down.

Can an 11 year old go to an anime convention?

Absolutely not. Not only is it against most convention rules (most require children to be at least 13 years old and some even require children to be 16 in order to not require adult supervision), but there are so many things that can go wrong.

What age can you cosplay?

COSPLAY IS AN ALL-AGES EVENT. There will have one competition for children 13 and under and then a contest for anyone else entered. The Cosplay choice should be considered a PG-13 rated event at the most.

How long does it take to experience an anime convention?

There are many anime conventions throughout the world and in North America. Some cons are massive events with thousands of people in attendance for several days of fun. Others are smaller events where you have a smaller crowd and can experience the con in a few hours.

Where can I find the best anime conventions in North America?

You can also look at the ten largest anime conventions in North America on Some of the largest anime conventions include the Anime Expo in Los Angeles, California, the Anime North in Toronto, Ontario, and Anime Central in Rosemont, Illinois. Select a convention based on your budget.

What should be in your cosplay convention survival kit?

You should include several key items in your convention survival kit, including: A sewing kit, duct tape, and markers to make emergency repairs on your cosplay. This way, if your cosplay gets damaged, you can fix it easily and quickly. Loose cash to spend on food and souvenirs.

How to prepare for an anime con?

Most anime cons have a schedule of events on their website a few weeks before the con starts. You should read the convention guide and highlight events or celebrities you would like to see. You may collaborate with your companions to make sure you all see who and what you want during the con.

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