How do pigs get coccidia?

How do pigs get coccidia?

Piglets get infected with coccidia when they ingest sporulated oocysts. Coccidia multiply rapidly in the gut lining, damaging a pig’s ability to absorb nutrients. Oocysts can remain in the environment for a long time and are hard to get rid of.

How do you prevent coccidia in pigs?


  1. Once the oocysts have become established in an environment the sow plays only a minor role.
  2. Remove sow and piglet faeces daily.
  3. Improve the hygiene in farrowing houses, in particular farrowing pen floors and prevent the movement of faeces from one pen to another.

How is coccidia treated in pigs?

Coccidiosis in piglets can be treated with trimethoprim sulphonamide and they should be supported with electrolyte. Toltrazuril given as an oral suspension by stomach tube on day 3 prevents diarrhoea, prevents oocyst shedding and can maintain piglet growth.

How do you treat coccidia in pigs?

Individual medication of each pig is the most effective method of control. Sulphonamides given at 3, 10 and 17 days have been moderately effective historically but toltrazuril is the most effective current medication available.

What medication is approved for treatment of isospora suis in swine?

How long does it take for coccidia to clear up?

Several oral medications may be used to treat coccidiosis. Most pets will require daily treatment for 5 to 10 days, but some pets will have to be retreated if the infection isn’t resolved after the first or even second go-round.

How do you treat respiratory disease in pigs?

Treatment. Usually pneumonia in the sow involves a mixed infection of viruses and secondary bacteria. Broad spectrum antibiotics such as OTC, penicillin streptomycin or amoxycillin are indicated. Inject individual cases daily for 3 to 4 days.

What is Isospora suis and how is it transmitted?

Isospora suis is an intracellular parasite, specific to pigs. Its life cycle lasts roughly 7 days, 2 of which are in the environment. Pigs get infected by ingesting the oocyst form of the parasite which then colonizes enterocytes in the small intestine (jejunum and ileum) to continue its development and ultimately reproduce by creating new oocysts.

What is the life cycle of Isospora infection?

The life cycle of Isospora is self limiting and infection should resolve spontaneously within a few weeks unless reinfection occurs. Medication can shorten the length of clinical signs and lessen the likelihood of complications and death. Sick animals should be isolated and treated individually if possible.

What is the size of an Isospora egg?

The most commonly seen of all the Isospora species is Isospora suis in the pig. Each oocyst measures 20-50μm. The eggs are subspherical, and the wall is colourless and thin. When sporulated each one contains two sporocyts each with four sporozoites.

How many different species of isospora are there?

There are many different species of Isospora, all of which are host specific. The most commonly seen of all the Isospora species is Isospora suis in the pig.

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