How do you add two items to a list in Python?

How do you add two items to a list in Python?

Ways to concatenate two lists in Python

  1. Method #1 : Using Naive Method.
  2. Method #2 : Using + operator.
  3. Method #3 : Using list comprehension.
  4. Method #4 : Using extend()
  5. Method #5 : Using * operator.
  6. Method #6 : Using itertools.chain()

How do you merge two lists in Python?

In python, we can use the + operator to merge the contents of two lists into a new list. For example, We can use + operator to merge two lists i.e. It returned a new concatenated lists, which contains the contents of both list_1 and list_2.

Can you chain append in Python?

Use chain() Function in the itertools Module to Append Into a List in Python. We can use the chain() function to append multiple lists and form them into a single list. For this example, declare three different lists and set them as parameters for the itertools. chain() function.

How do you make a nested list in python?

How to Create a List of Lists in Python

  1. # Take two lists list1 = [1,2,3,4] list2 = [5,6,7,8] list3 = [] # Take an empty list # make list of lists list3.
  2. # Take two lists list1 = [1,2,3,4] list2 = [5,6,7,8] # make list of lists list3 = [list1, list2] # Display result print(list3)

How do you add a 3 list in Python?

Python 3 – List append() Method

  1. Description. The append() method appends a passed obj into the existing list.
  2. Syntax. Following is the syntax for append() method − list.append(obj)
  3. Parameters. obj − This is the object to be appended in the list.
  4. Return Value.
  5. Example.
  6. Result.

How do you add items to a list in Python?

Declare a list and add some items to it. This can be done with one line of code, like this: listOfAircraft = [“Helicopter”, “Plane”, ” Blimp “] Append an item to the end of the list using the “append()” function. The syntax for this function looks like this: listOfAircraft.append(“UFO”) Print the list.

How to add elements to a list in Python?

Methods to add elements to List in Python append (): append the object to the end of the list. insert (): inserts the object before the given index. extend (): extends the list by appending elements from the iterable. List Concatenation: We can use + operator to concatenate multiple lists and create a new list.

How to append to a list?

Using the append () method The append () method adds a single element to an existing list. To add multiple elements,we need: 1.

  • Using ‘+’ operator Another way is using the ‘+’ operator. my_list =[“DJANGO”]new_list = my_list+[“PYTHON”,”PHP”]print(new_list) output[‘DJANGO’,’PYTHON’,’PHP’]
  • Using extend () method
  • How to add an item to a set in Python?

    We can add an item to a set in Python using the add () function. With the following code in Python, shown below, we get the following output. >>> set1= {1,2,3,4} >>> set1 {1,2,3,4} >>> set1.add (8) >>> set1 {1,2,3,4,8} >>> set1.add (3) {1,2,3,4,8} So let’s go over this code now.

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