How do you change decimal places in mail merge?
If you want to round to two decimal places, use \#0.00 in your merge field. If you want the number to have a dollar sign before it (for anything that is money), use \#$# in your merge field. If you want commas in your number, use \##,### in your merge field.
How do I change the number format in a mail merge?
To apply number formatting to an Excel mail merge field:
- Select the field, such as Amount, as shown in this example.
- Press [Alt] + F9 to reveal the field coding.
- Edit the field by simply inserting a numeric switch code to the end of the field.
- Press [Alt] + F9 again.
How do I fix rounding in mail merge?
With the mail merge main document open, press Alt + F9 to view the field codes. The field code will look something like {MERGEFIELD “fieldname” }. Directly after the end quote around the field name type \# followed by: 0 for rounded whole numbers.
How do I keep two decimal places in a mail merge?
In order to retain the two decimal places during mail merge, follow the instructions below: Press alt+f9 > Insert the field code \# “0.00” after the title of the merge field that needs to be limited to two digits after the decimal point.
How do I convert a number to a percent in mail merge?
When I follow the steps below:
- select your mergefield, which will look something like «Percent»;
- press Ctrl-F9 to wrap another field around it, thus { «Percent» };
- edit the field so that you get {=«Percent»*100 \# 0.00%};
- position the cursor anywhere in this field and press F9 to update it;
- run your mailmerge.
How do you round decimals in Word?
Round a number down by using the ROUNDDOWN function. It works just the same as ROUND, except that it always rounds a number down. For example, if you want to round down 3.14159 to three decimal places: =ROUNDDOWN(3.14159,3) which equals 3.141.
How do you change a decimal to a percent in mail merge?
You can change the decimal fraction (eg 0.738) to a percentage (73.8) in Word. To do it embed the MERGEFIELD inside another Word field. This lets you multiply the number coming from Excel by 100 before formatting. Remember to press Ctrl + F9 to make the field – not the curly brackets on the keyboard.
How do I remove decimal places from a table in Word?
How to Get Rid of Decimals in Excel & Word
- Open you spreadsheet document and highlight the cells that contain decimal places.
- Highlight the “Home” tab on the Excel main menu bar.
- Click the “Decrease Decimal” button in the “Number” section on the Excel menu bar until all decimal places disappear.
How do I change the decimal places in a table in PowerPoint?
PowerPoint chart label decimal place formatting
- Right-click on a data label and choose Format Data Labels. The Format Data Labels pane opens.
- Label Options should be selected by default.
- Expand the Number section.
- Change Category to Number and set Decimal places to 0.