How do you conquer in grepolis?

How do you conquer in grepolis?

To take over a city you require a Colony Ship (also referred to as a CS). This unit is built in the Harbour, and becomes available once it has been researched. You will also need sufficient amount of troops escorting your CS to secure your victory both by land and sea.

How do you conquer a city in grepolis revolt?

In order to conquer a city using this method you need to have the following things:

  1. Conquest researched.
  2. A Colony ship and all it entails.
  3. At least one land unit.
  4. At least one transport boat(regular or fast)
  5. At least one Bireme, Trireme, or Light Ship.
  6. Sufficient culture points to have another city.

How does conquest work in Grepolis?

A bit confusing might be that only the button for a “normal attack” is shown, but as soon as a colony ship is sent along, Grepolis automatically perceives the attack to be a conquest. To start a conquest, both land and sea units must be included in the army you send out.

How do you get new cities in Grepolis?

In Grepolis there are two processes by which you can obtain a new city, Colonising and conquering. Of these, conquering is considered the most effective; however it is also slightly more complex.

How do you take over a town on revolt worlds?

On revolt worlds you “conquer through revolt” (see next chapter). You can divide the take over into two parts. In the first section you attack the target town and ensure your CS lands safely. In the second part, during the siege you occupy the town and prevent the previous owner from reclaiming it.

How long does it take for a polis to revolt?

It takes a while before the rumors and grumblings of the citizens have spread within the town and the dissatisfaction escalates. Hence, it will be 12 hours after a successful attack, before the revolt in the polis erupts. During the revolt, the population of a city is willing to accept you as their new ruler.

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