How do you control yellow stem borers?
How to manage
- Use resistant varieties.
- At seedbed and transplanting, handpick and destroy egg masses.
- Raise level of irrigation water periodically to submerge the eggs deposited on the lower parts of the plant.
- Before transplanting, cut the leaf-top to reduce carry-over of eggs from the seedbed to the field.
How do you control the stem borer in paddy?
Stems or tillers may be pulled out and cut open for larvae and pupae to confirm stem borer damage. Spray that can control the stem borers of Paddy crop. To control stem borers insects of paddy in addition to the foliar spray the granulated insecticides may be applied like Cover insecticide 4 kg per acre.
What kills stem borers?
Apply carbaryl, sold under the name Sevin, to the base of the plant, lightly covering the bottom of the stems when the plants begin to vine. Repeat every seven to 10 days for three to five weeks. Avoid contact with the flowers and leaves of the plant.
What is scientific name of Paddy stem borer?
Chilo suppressalis (Walker, 1863)
What are the nature and symptoms of damage of yellow stem borer in paddy?
Symptom of damage: Presence of brown coloured egg mass near leaf tip. Caterpillar bore into central shoot of paddy seedling and tiller, causes drying of the central shoot known as “dead heart” Grown up plant whole panicle becomes dried “white ear” Plants could be easily pulled by hand.
Where are stem borers commonly found?
They are present in field throughout the crop growing stage from seedling to maturity. The stem borers found on cereal crops in Africa are mainly lepidopterans and dipterans. Cereal crops such as rice, sorghum, maize, sugarcane and pearl millet suffer from the attack of stem borers.
How do I know if my rice stem is a borer?
Presence of brown coloured egg mass near leaf tip. Caterpillar bore into central shoot of paddy seedling and tiller, causes drying of the central shoot known as “dead heart” Grown up plant whole panicle becomes dried “white ear”
How are borers controlled?
Systemic insecticides applied via trunk injection, basal bark sprays, or as a soil drench are effective against flatheaded borers and they may be the only practical method for treating tall trees.
Which plant is adversely affected by the pest stem borer?
Cereal crops such as rice, sorghum, maize, sugarcane and pearl millet suffer from the attack of stem borers. The larval stage constitutes the most damaging developmental stage of the pest.
What is the scientific name of yellow stem borer?
The yellow stem borer (YSB), Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), is an important pest of rice, Oryza sativa L., throughout tropical Southand Southeast Asia[1].
Is stem borer a pest?
The spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus (Pyralidae), and Sesamia nonagrioides (Noctuidae) are serious pests of maize and sorghum.
What are the symptoms of stem borer in paddy plant?
Yellowish egg mass of the stem borer can be seen on the leaf of the paddy plant. These egg masses are to be collected from the field and destroyed them. Larvae of Stem borer may remain inside the stubbles of the paddy plant.
What is stem borer?
The larvae of stem borer bore at the base of the plants during the vegetative stage. The stem borer pest infestation is more prominent in deepwater rice with continuous flooding. Dead tillers or Dead hearts that can be easily pulled from the base during the vegetative stages
What causes yellow stem borer in rice?
Boost your yield with the mobile crop doctor! Get it now for free! The damage is caused by the larvae of the yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas, a pest of deepwater rice. It is found in plants or leaf-over stubbles in aquatic environments where there is continuous flooding.
What are the insect pests of paddy?
Those insects that are damaging the paddy plant from its seedling stage to crop production stage are known as insect pests of paddy. Insect pests are classified into two groups, such as major pests and minor pests. Of the various major pests, the stem borer insect is the most dangerous enemy to the paddy plant.