How do you draw a dragon sketch?

How do you draw a dragon sketch?

How to Draw a Dragon — Let’s get started!

  1. Starting at the upper left corner of your paper, draw an outline of the dragon’s face.
  2. Step 2 — Sketch the Dragon’s Face.
  3. Step 3 — Next, Draw the Dragon’s Body.
  4. Step 4 — Now, Draw the Dragon’s Feet.
  5. Step 5 — Then, Add the Dragon’s Tail.
  6. Step 6 — Next, Draw the Dragon’s Wings.

How do you draw Dragons step by step?

Use light, smooth strokes to begin. Step 1: Draw two circles as guides for the dragon’s body. Step 2: Draw a smaller circle on the upper right side of the dragon’s body. Step 3: Draw an arc next to the head as a guide for the dragon’s muzzle. Step 4: Draw angled lines below the dragon’s body as guides for the legs.

How to draw a dragon step by step?

Sketch the basic shapes. A blank page is daunting,so we first want to get an idea of how big our dragon will be.

  • Connect your preliminary shapes. Next,we’re going to connect the basic shapes and lines we laid out until we have a satisfactory outline of the dragon’s form.
  • Refine the outline. With the basics in place,you’ll want to slowly add and edit as you see fit.
  • Pay attention to the details. Now that you’ve done the grunt work,it’s time for some fun!
  • Go over the drawing in ink and/or add color. If you decide to finish your drawing in pen,you have the option to commit to a full-scale look.
  • How to draw a cool Dragon?

    You will first need to draw the guidelines and shapes that you will need to make a frame for your cool dragon.

  • For step two you will start sketching out the facial structure of the cool dragon.
  • Finish sketching in the horns and then start sketching out the shape and thickness of the dragons neck.
  • Sketch out the chest and when doing so you have to include the spikes that protrude out of the chest.
  • You will start this step by starting the sketched lines for the wing.
  • Finish sketching out the wing as you see here and be sure to sketch in the proper detailing and definition.
  • You will start sketching the folds,creases,and wrinkles to the dragons enormous wing.
  • All you have to do here is sketch out every single scale you see and yes it will take a while if you do it right.
  • When your done with this tutorial on “how to draw a cool dragon” step by step,your sketch should look like the one you see here.
  • How to draw a Chinese dragon?

    Draw two medium-sized circles that almost touch each other.

  • Draw two angry looking eyebrows so the dragon can look fiercer if you added the pupils on the eyes.
  • Draw the nose of the dragon by drawing a sort of four-leaf clover then draw…
  • Draw the neck and scales.
  • Draw the body.
  • (more items)
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