How do you evolve Politoed?
Once you have a Poliwhirl, you then need to give the character the King’s Rock item to hold, and then initiate a trade with a friend. Game Freak / Twitter: @triforcemeg Trade your Poliwhirl holding a King’s Rock. Once you send the Poliwhirl holding the item to your partner, it will start to evolve.
How does Poliwhirl evolve in soul silver?
It evolves into Poliwrath when exposed to a Water Stone or Politoed when traded while holding a King’s Rock.
At what level should I evolve Poliwhirl?
If you’re using it as your Water-type, stick with Poliwhirl until it hits Lv 48, when it learns its most powerful Water-type move: Hydro Pump. It will lose out on some Fighting-type moves. If you’re using it as your Fighting-type, evolve at exactly Lv 31. At Lv 30, it learns Low Kick, the final Fighting-type move.
What level should I evolve Poliwhirl Soulsilver?
2 Answers. The only move Poliwhirl has that is worth Poliwrath having is Belly Drum. You get Belly Drum at level 37. But if you don’t want to use Belly Drum (I would suggest not getting Belly Drum) then just evolve it at whatever level it is now.
Is Belly Drum a good move for Poliwhirl?
Aside from the basics, Poliwrath has a couple of moves of note. Belly Drum can be a game-changing move, and whilst it isn’t as defining for Poliwrath as it is for other users (such as Charizard and Linoone), Poliwrath is very capable with it.
Where do you get Poliwrath in soul silver?
Poliwag can be found by fishing with the Good Rod on Route 225 in Diamond and Pearl, and on Routes 227 & 228 by Surfing in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. In Heart Gold and Soul Silver, Poliwag can be found on Routes 22, 28, 30, 31, Ecruteak City, Viridian City, Violet City, Outside Mt. Moon, Outside Mt.
Is Poliwrath a good Pokemon SoulSilver?
Poliwrath and Lapras are not as much fighters compared to gyarados. They can be good for attackers, but they seem more like Pokemon to have to cover your HM coverage. But, gyarados can learn each of their HM’s too.
Where do you catch poliwhirl in soul silver?
In Heart Gold and Soul Silver, Poliwhirl can be found at Routes 22, 28 30, 31, Ecruteak City, Outside Mt. Silver, Violet City, Viridian City, and Safari Zone’s Rocky Beach by Surfing.
What are SoulSilver cheats and how to use them?
We can attribute SoulSilver cheats to the humble origins of Easter eggs, once a clever way to convey insider information was later used as a medium to communicate overtly with the intellectuals who were privy to the medium and provide them with in-game benefits or developer access.
Does HeartGold and SoulSilver have the same Pokédex?
HeartGold & SoulSilver Pokédex. The native Johto Pokédex in Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver is almost identical to the original games. Strangely, it adds the evolutions Yanmega, Ambipom, Lickilicky, Tangrowth and Mamoswine, but not some other evolutions (e.g. Electivire) or baby Pokémon (e.g. Wynaut).
Are Storm silver cheats easier to find than soul silver?
In fact, storm silver cheats are just as easy to find as SoulSilver ar codes even being featured on the same website if one does the bare minimum to research them online.