How do you get a beach pass in Greenwich CT?
Vehicle passes may be obtained by uploading online or emailing car registration (in resident name) and copy of insurance to [email protected].
How much is Greenwich beach pass?
The cost of a seasonal park pass, which includes access to Greenwich’s beaches, will increase from $35 to $40 for adults and from $7 to $10 for children. A daily park guest pass, which residents or non-residents can purchase, will increase from $8 to $9.
Can non-residents go to Greenwich beach?
Island Beach Greenwich: Non-Resident Day Pass You will need a single entry park plus ferry pass per person and a parking pass for your car. The single entry park pass can’t be purchased at the ferry dock, it can only be purchased at Eastern Greenwich Civic Center during weekday business hours.
Is Tod’s Point open to public?
For most of the year the trail is open only to residents (pass holders) or paying guests who are with pass holders.
Is Tod’s Point Beach open to non-residents?
Typically Tod’s Point is open to on residents from December through April. However, citing the Governor’s Emergency Order, Greenwich is not admitting non-residents this winter. At the onset of the pandemic, crowds flocked to Tod’s Point.
Is Greenwich Point Park free?
Passes are required for access to Town park/beach facilities by all visitors five years and older May 3 through October 31 (subject to change). Single Entry Passes: Provides individuals with one-time single access to Greenwich Point Park, Byram Park, Island Beach and Great Captain Island.
Is Tod’s Point Greenwich open to non-residents?
Non Greenwich residents have to pay and one day car entry is $35/day.
Can non-residents go to Greenwich Point?
Is Compo Beach open to non-residents?
Daily parking for non-residents will be allowed this summer at Compo Beach and Burying Hill Beach. Fava stated, “As of May 1, all amenities at our beaches will be available.
Can you drink at Compo Beach?
Alcoholic beverages are prohibited at Compo Beach facility (parking lots, athletic fields, basketball courts, beach front area, and grass area) without a written permit issued by the Parks and Recreation Department, the exception being the South Beach picnic area.
How do I get a vehicle pass for Greenwich CT?
Vehicle passes may be obtained by uploading online or emailing car registration (in resident name) and copy of insurance to [email protected]. Provides individuals with one-time single access to Greenwich Point Park, Byram Park, Island Beach and Great Captain Island.
How long is a senior Park Pass good for in Greenwich?
Senior Park/Beach Passes are ACTIVE for a three-year cycle. Current senior passes are active January 1, 2020-December 31, 2022. Documents must be current and include resident’s name and Greenwich address. Completed Residency Application (PDF) signed by the primary account holder.
How can greengreenwich residents access Parks and Recreation online?
Greenwich residents can access Parks and Recreation online services by creating a resident account. A resident account provides access to our online system, and allows one to utilize our services at home or on the go.
Do I need a pass to go to the town park?
Passes are required for access to Town park/beach facilities by all visitors five years and older May 3 through October 31 (subject to change). Verification of residency required. Access to Byram Park (including Town Pool), Great Captain Island, Greenwich Point and Island Beach