How do you get rid of asparagus beetles?

How do you get rid of asparagus beetles?

Gardeners can spray chemicals, such as pyrethrins, malathion, and permethrin, in order to destroy large infestations of asparagus beetles. These pesticides should not have any long-term effects on your garden. Do not use any pesticides that contain carbaryl, as carbaryl will kill bees and other helpful pollinators.

Will insecticidal soap kill asparagus beetles?

Asparagus Beetle’s Habitat Using an insecticidal soap and pyrethrin mix, such as Safer® Brand Tomato and Vegetable Insect Killer, will keep your garden free from these destructive insects.

What plants deter asparagus beetles?

Calendula, or pot marigold, repels asparagus beetle, nematodes, and tomato hornworm. 2 It also attracts beneficial insects, so this edible flower is useful throughout your garden.

Can you eat asparagus with asparagus beetle eggs?

They feed on the spears, causing them to develop crookedly. Besides feeding damage, the beetles lay eggs on the spears. You may notice the rows of little dark eggs on the spears or on the foliage, like the ones at right. The eggs won’t actually hurt the plant, but they’re not very appetizing.

What are the black specks on my asparagus?

Fungus. Sexual stage of the fungus (Pleospora herbarum) produc- es overwintering structures (pseudothecia), appearing as small, black dots on asparagus plant debris from previous season. This can reduce spear quality and marketable yield and make the plant more susceptible to Fusarium and Phytophthora.

Where do asparagus beetles overwinter?

Adult beetles overwinter in field borders or within asparagus fields. Sheltered sites such as under bark or in the stems of old plants are preferred. Some burrow into the soil. Adults emerge in early May and colonize asparagus fields to mate, feed, and lay eggs.

Can you use Sevin on asparagus?

Answer: Yes, Sevin Concentrate is labeled for use on asparagus. Be sure to follow the instructions on the product label.

Is Epsom salt good for asparagus?

The salt destroys soil structure, creates a crust on the soil surface and results in poor water penetration. Ultimately it will kill the asparagus along with the weeds. Epsom salt is high in magnesium and some gardeners use it generously when growing roses, peppers and tomatoes.

What can go wrong with asparagus?

Asparagus Growing Problems and Solutions:

  1. Yellow to orange to reddish brown or black pustules on stems and leaves.
  2. Plants and leaves are yellow.
  3. Plants are weak and spindly; few spears.
  4. Spears are crooked, curved or malformed.
  5. Spears are brown or discolored and soft.
  6. Spears weaken, wilt, yellow, turn brown, and die.

How do you get rid of aphids on asparagus?


  1. Manually Remove Aphids.
  2. Spray Leaves or the Asparagus Plant that has Aphids.
  3. Use Insecticidal Soap.
  4. Use Commercial Pesticide.
  5. Apply an Organic Pesticide.
  6. Use Essential Oils.
  7. Dust Your Asparagus Plant & its leaves.
  8. Cut Back Your Asparagus Plant.

What are the black dots on my asparagus?

Do praying mantis eat asparagus beetles?

Praying mantids (plural praying mantis) are mostly beneficial insects. Praying mantids eat aphids, asparagus beetles, caterpillars, Colorado potato beetles, earwigs, leafhoppers, Mexican bean beetles, and squash bugs. Praying mantids also eat beneficial insects, butterflies, and bees.

How do you get rid of spotted asparagus beetles?

Collecting berries at the end of the season can help keep spotted asparagus beetles at bay. If asparagus beetle on plants are severe and immediate control is necessary to save your asparagus, both pyrethrin and malathion can be used without causing serious harm to beneficial insects.

What are asparagus beetles and what causes them?

In early spring, just as asparagus spears are breaking the surface, adult asparagus beetles emerge after overwintering in plant debris. They begin feeding on the earliest spears, causing them to crook like a shepherd’s crook.

Do they sell asparagus beetles in Massachusetts?

This beneficial insect, which is so helpful with asparagus beetle control, was identified in Massachusetts in 1915 and is now found wherever asparagus is grown. It is not currently offered for sale commercially. When dealing with the asparagus beetle, organic control methods can be quite effective.

What is eating my asparagus?

The common asparagus beetle and the spotted asparagus beetle feed on asparagus spears and cause browning and scarring. Start looking for these pests in early May or just after asparagus plants emerge and continue for the rest of the growing season. The best time to check for asparagus beetles is in the afternoon when they are most active.

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