How do you resuspend RNA oligo IDT?
Oligo resuspension
- During the dry-down process, oligos form a white flakey pellet at the bottom of the tube.
- If resuspension is difficult, try heating the oligo at 55°C for 1–5 minutes, then vortex thoroughly.
- IDT oligonucleotides (both DNA and RNA) are typically shipped dry.
How long does lyophilized DNA last?
At lyophilized state and -20ºC and foil-covered, it should be no problem to be stable during your holiday! Lyophilised primers when stored at -20ºC are often good for up to 18 months, but this may vary depending on supplier.
How do you store oligos IDT?
The best practice is to store oligos in a freezer (–20°C) in either TE buffer, nuclease-free water, or dried for up to 24 months. It is also best practice to minimize oligo exposure to UV light.
How much water do I add to IDT primers?
To determine the amount of water to add to the lyophilized primer simply multiply the number of nmol of primer in the tube by 10. That will be the amount of water to add to make a 100 µM primer stock. For example, if there are 38.2 nmol of primer a 100 µM primer stock is created by adding 382 µl of water.
How do you store lyophilized DNA?
For long term storage, whether oligos are dried down, or resuspended in non-DEPC treated water or TE buffer (10 mM Tris pH 8.0, 0.1 mM EDTA; such as IDTE), it’s optimal to store them frozen, at –20°C. For room temperature or 4°C storage, oligos that are resuspended in TE buffer are more stable than dry oligos.
How do you store lyophilized RNA?
Lyophilized siRNAs are stable for one year at -20C in a constant temperature freezer. If it is fluorescently labeled and stored in the dark, it should be stable for six months at -20. If its lyophilized and kept sealed, it’s stable for months at room temperature.
How long does cDNA last at?
Yes, you can store cDNA in -40 for more than 6 months even several years. You can also store in -80 for very long period. cDNA quality will remain good as long as you handle it well, preferably make sure to thaw on ice.
How long can primers last?
Primers are stable and can be stored for years at -80 degree.
How do you dilute oligo?
Our standard recommendation is to resuspend oligos to a 100 µM stock concentration, as this is a simple concentration to make and is highly versatile for subsequent dilution purposes.
Can I Vortex Taq?
Do not vortex PCR mix. Add DNA polymerase (Taq) to the reaction tube last. Avoid overloading PCR products into the gel; this may result in cross-contamination or misinterpretation of the results.
Why ididt for custom oligo manufacturing?
IDT’s long-standing reputation as a pioneer and leader in custom oligo manufacturing is primarily due to our proprietary synthesis platforms.
What is ididt oligo analyzer 227?
Idt Oligo Analyzer 227, supplied by Integrated DNA Technologies, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 99/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS – scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and mor
What is a single-stranded DNA oligo?
Single-stranded DNA oligos specifically built for your homology-directed repair (HDR) experiments. Designed and optimized through extensive wet-bench testing, they are ideal for introducing point mutations and short insertions. Long, high-quality DNA oligos up 200 bases.
Why is ε 260 calculated at 260 nm for oligos?
Greatest accuracy is therefore achieved when the exact value of ε 260 is calculated for each oligo. Further, it is necessary to take into account the presence of oligo modifications, such as fluorescent dyes, which may have significant absorbance at 260 nm.