How do you take care of a Paphiopedilum orchid?

How do you take care of a Paphiopedilum orchid?

All of these plants need a moist medium – never soggy, but never dry. Water once or twice a week. Humidity for paphiopedilums should be moderate, between 40 and 50 percent, which can be maintained in the home by setting the plants on trays of gravel, partially filled with water, so that the plants never sit in water.

How do you grow Paphiopedilum indoors?

These plants grow well under typical indoor light conditions, either near a window or under fluorescent lighting. Don’t keep them in the intense direct sunlight of a south-facing window, and don’t expose them to temperatures over 85 degrees F. (30 degrees C.) for long periods.

How often do lady slipper orchids bloom?

Blooms. The general bloom season is from autumn to spring. Paphiopedilum orchids typically bloom once per year, and the blooms are long-lasting. The flowers can last up to two months with proper care.

How do I get my Paphiopedilum to bloom?

Paphiopedilums prefers intermediate temperatures of 70-80°F during daytime and 50-60°F during nighttime. Longer exposure to cooler temperatures for weeks at a time will successfully produce blooms. This is especially true for some of its variants with clusters of flowers. Keep their roots moist.

Why does my Paphiopedilum not bloom?

If your paph does not re-bloom, it may not be getting enough light. Paphs generally enjoy the same temperatures that we do in the home; ideally, 60-65º F at night and 75-85º F during the day. Keep in mind that temperatures close to the window on a windowsill will be colder or hotter than your general house temperature.

Do orchids like sun or shade?

Orchids thrive in the sunshine, and the living room tends to get the most sunlight in your home. Indirect sunlight is best. So one of the best places to keep your orchid is near a north- or east-facing window.

When should I repot Paphiopedilum?

Repot Paphiopedilum before the growing medium decomposes and before the plant has outgrown its pot, or when it needs dividing (i.e. about once each year).

Why is my slipper orchid not flowering?

How long does it take for a Paphiopedilum to bloom?

Paphiopedilum is a slow growing crop. It takes about three years before the Paphiopedilum is old enough to bloom. With sufficient new shoot (leaf) growth, it can then bloom every year.

Where is the best place to put my orchid?

Most Orchids are grown best in indirect, bright light, placing the orchid pots near a north-facing window may not provide them with enough light so try to place them near a near a south or east-facing window in your living room to ensure that they receive the right amount and intensity of sunlight to bloom.

What is the best medium for Paphiopedilum?

Because most Paphiopedilums are terrestrial a medium that drains well but retains moisture is needed. Four parts fir bark to one part Perlite is excellent. Finely chopped fir bark (l/8th to 1/4 inch) is preferable to the medium or large chunks used for Cattleya and Cymbidium.

How long do Paphiopedilum orchids last?

Paphiopedilum Care: The Basics. The Paphiopedilum (paff-ee-oh-PED-ih-lum) orchid gets its nickname ‘Lady’s Slipper Orchid’ from the unique slipper-shaped blooms it produces. Generally, the blooming season for Paphiopedilum orchids starts in autumn and goes through spring. The blooms are long-lasting and typically stay in bloom for about 6-8 weeks.

Where do paphiopedilums come from?

Paphiopedilum. Paphiopedilums, often referred to as “Paphs” by orchid growers, are a genus of slipper orchids of the Asian tropics, found from India to China and Southeast Asia, south to New Guinea and the many islands which surround it.

How do you repot Paphiopedilum orchids?

Paphiopedilum orchids should be repotted in a fine-grade potting mix every two years or once the potting medium remains soggy and no longer drains properly. Before repotting your orchid, you should always cut away the damaged roots with a sterile cutting instrument.

What is the ideal humidity for a Paphiopedilum orchid?

The ideal amount of humidity for a Paphiopedilum orchid is between 40-50%, however, if a Paphiopedilum orchid is kept in excess moist conditions then disease and rot can set in which will cause damage to the plant. If you need to increase the humidity for your orchid, you can add a humidity tray or humidifier.

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