How do you use participate in a sentence?

How do you use participate in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] I’d like you to participate. (
  2. [S] [T] He participated in the debate. (
  3. [S] [T] Tom didn’t participate in the discussion. (
  4. [S] [T] The most important thing in the Olympics is not to win but to participate. (
  5. [S] [T] Anybody can participate. (
  6. [S] [T] I participated in the discussion. (

Which preposition is used with participate?

3 Answers. Participate is not tied to a particular preposition such as at or in. Like other verbs, it can be modified by a phrase beginning with a preposition.

Do you participate in or on a committee?

“On the committee” refers to a person’s membership, as in “I served on the committee for student affairs.” “In the committee” or simply “in committee” refers to where the work is done, as in “That issue will be decided in committee” or “He can’t take your call right now; he’s in a committee meeting.”

Is it participate or participate?

verb (used without object), par·tic·i·pat·ed, par·tic·i·pat·ing. to take or have a part or share, as with others; partake; share (usually followed by in): to participate in profits; to participate in a play. verb (used with object), par·tic·i·pat·ed, par·tic·i·pat·ing.

What is participant in a sentence?

someone who takes part in an activity 2. a person who participates in or is skilled at some game. 1. She was an unwilling participant in his downfall.

What is the present tense of participate?

participate ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌

present tense
I/you/we/they participate
he/she/it participates
present participle participating
past tense participated

Do participate is correct or not?

Using take with participate is incorrect as participate means take part and it is a verb itself. You can simply use take part in or you can say please participate instead of saying please take participate. Originally Answered: Is “Please take participate”, a correct sentence or not?

How do you ask someone to be on a committee?

5 Ways to Get People to Serve on Your Committees

  1. Advertise when your association committees have openings.
  2. Welcome candidates to an open meeting.
  3. Invest in promoting your organization.
  4. Seek out people with the skills you need.
  5. • Know why you’re looking.
  6. • Identify specific needs.
  7. Be specific with your ask.

What does it mean to participate in something?

: to be involved with others in doing something : to take part in an activity or event with others. See the full definition for participate in the English Language Learners Dictionary. participate. verb. par·​tic·​i·​pate | \ pər-ˈti-sə-ˌpāt , pär- \

How do you use participants?

a person who participates in or is skilled at some game.

  1. She was an unwilling participant in his downfall.
  2. She is an active participant in this activity.
  3. He has been an active participant in the discussion.
  4. Each participant was to pay his own expenses.
  5. The engineer was an eager participant in technical co – operation.

What is the verb of participate?

verb (used without object), par·tic·i·pat·ed, par·tic·i·pat·ing. to take or have a part or share, as with others; partake; share (usually followed by in): to participate in profits; to participate in a play.

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