How does Phantump evolve?

How does Phantump evolve?

In order to evolve Phantump into Trevenant, players need to trade it to another player. This will cause the Pokemon to evolve upon being received by the other player. For this reason, it is highly recommended for players to do this with another trusted player if they want their Pokemon back.

How does Trevenant evolve?

In order to evolve Phantump into Trevenant, players will need to trade it with a friend or earn 200 Candy for this particular species. That’s a pretty high cost, so you’ll need to catch plenty of Phantump.

Is Trevenant in Pokemon sword?

You can find and catch Trevenant in Glimwood Tangle with a 10% chance to encounter during All Weather weather when walking through tall grass. The Max IV Stats of Trevenant are 85 HP, 110 Attack, 65 SP Attack, 76 Defense, 82 SP Defense, and 56 Speed.

Is Phantump a good Pokemon?

Phantump can be a decent Trick Room setter, as its low Speed and high Attack make it a good user of the strategy. Other physical options such as Poison Jab and Bulldoze can be used for Fairy- and Steel-types, but they are fairly weak and don’t really offer much additional coverage.

What is Phantump based on?

Phantump’s Inspiration: Phantump & Trevenant are based on Kodama from Japanese folklore. Kodama are spirits that inhabit trees, and the term also applies to the trees themselves. Sun Pokedex: “These Pokémon are stumps possessed by the spirits of children who died in the forest.”

Is Phantump a raid?

Phantump is a Tier 1 raid boss in Pokémon Go and will make its debut in the Halloween Mischief Event Part 2: Ghoulish Pals, running from October 22 – October 31, 2021. Phantump is a Ghost/Grass type and as such, it is weak to the Dark, Fire, Flying, Ghost and Ice types.

Where is the Turtonator sword and shield?

Spawn locations you can find Turtonator are in the Lake of Outrage area, with a 2% chance to spawn during Intense Sun weather. Turtonator is a Pokemon Sword Exclusive Pokemon and can only be found within the Sword Version of the game.

What moves can Phantump learn?

Moves learnt by level up

Lv. Move Type
4 Branch Poke Grass
8 Leech Seed Grass
12 Confuse Ray Ghost
16 Will-O-Wisp Fire

What region is Pumpkaboo from?

In events

Games Event Region
XY Spooky 2014 Super Size Pumpkaboo American region
XY Spooky 2014 Super Size Pumpkaboo PAL region
XYORAS Pokémon Center Super Size Pumpkaboo Japanese region

How does Trevenant work?

Trevenant is able to manipulate and control all forms of trees through the use of its nervous system. Trevenant is the evolved form of Phantump. It evolves when traded .

What kind of Pokemon is tretrevenant?

Trevenant (オーロット Oorotto) is a Ghost / Grass -type Pokémon introduced in Generation VI.

What are the similarities between Kodama and tretrevenant?

Trevenant’s acts of protecting it’s forest home are also similar to the Kodama, as if a human were to cut down a tree a Kodama possesses, they would become cursed. It also shares similarities to a hamadryads, tree nymphs tied to their home trees by life, and would punish mortals who would kill trees.

Is Trevenant a fire type?

Because of its terrifying appearance, Trevenant has often been given the reputation as a ghost roaming the forest that it inhabits. Its aversion of Fire types (being part Grass type), has led it to being a victim of lumberjacks.

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