How far apart should pigeon peas be planted?

How far apart should pigeon peas be planted?

About Pigeon Pea Seed Growing According to the USDA Plant Hardiness Map, pigeon peas can be grown in zones 9 through 15. Plant seeds 1 inch (2.5 cm.) deep and 12 inches (31 cm.) apart for best results.

What is the optimum seed rate for pigeon pea crop?

12-15 kg seed per hectare should be given in pigeon pea crop. If pigeon pea is taking with other crop then 5-6 kg seed per hectare should be given.

How do you calculate seed per acre?

Desired population is 1.25 million plants per acre at harvest….Example

  1. 15,000 x 0.95 = 14,250 viable seeds per pound.
  2. 1,250,000 seeds x 110% = 1,375,000 viable seeds needed per acre.
  3. 1,375,000 seeds divided by 14,250 seeds per pound = 96.5 pounds per acre seeding rate, or 28 seeds per square foot.

Which fertilizer is best for Tur?

For raising an ideal crop it is required to apply about 25-30 kg N, 50-75 kg P2O5, 30 kg K2O (if the soil is poor in K) and 10-15 kg ZnSo4 in one hectare area. The entire dose of fertilizer should be basal placed at a depth of 12 to 15 cm or 7 to 10 cm below the seed layer in the same row.

How do you calculate seed rate?

Sowing rate (kg/ha) = target plant population (p/m2) x TGW (g) x 100. % germination x % emergence.

Are pigeon peas good for you?

An excellent source of protein and iron, they also provide Vitamin A and B-6, calcium, magnesium, potassium and more minerals. Studies have shown that pigeon peas are most nutritious and easy to digest in their green stage, just before they become dry and lose their color.

How do you get more yield on a Redgram?

Seed treatment with rhizobium culture at the rate of 50 grams per kg of seed can increase Redgram yields up to 30 % and Soaking Redgram seeds in 100 ppm of Zinc Sulphate at the rate of 10 gms/ 100 liters of water for 3 hours and then air drying in shade to original moisture content as a pre-sowing seed treatment.

How do you grow pigeon peas?

Planting should take place in late spring, after the last frost or early summer.

  1. Dig a hole 6 to 8 inches deep.
  2. Plant one pigeon pea seed into the hole.
  3. Plant the rest of your pigeon pea seeds in individual shallow holes, leaving at least 6 inches between each hole.
  4. Add an all-purpose fertilizer on top of each planting.

What is the seeding rate of pigeon pea?

The seeding rate of pigeon pea depends on the desired plant density for a genotype (early, medium or late), cropping system (pure crop, mixed crop, or inter crop), germination rate of seed and mass of seed. Early Maturing Var. – 20 – 25 k g/ha (Row to Row – 45 – 60 cm & Plant to Plant – 10 – 15 cm)

What is the best time of year to grow pigeon peas?

Best Time for Growing Pigeon Pea The pigeon peas can be grown successfully in summer, rainy and winter season. Sow the seeds in April for summer crop, in June for rainy and in September for winter crop.

What are pigeon pea plants used for?

The leaves can be used as animal feed for feeding livestock animals. And the woody parts can be used for firewood. The pigeon pea plants grow relatively faster and they make good shade for other crops. The pigeon pea plants have deep taproot.

How much rain do pigeon peas need?

The pigeon pea plants generally require moist conditions for the first few weeks (about 8 weeks), and then gradually require drier conditions (especially during flowering and pod development stage). Average required rainfall for growing pigeon pea is between 600 and 650 mm. Rains during the flowering stage will result in poor pollination.

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