How is DCP value calculated?

How is DCP value calculated?

Say, one conducted single-mass DCP test on a site. The average single-mass DCP value is measured to be 6.5 mm per blow. Then, the dual-mass DCP value is 1.61 x 6.5 = 10.5 mm per blow. The R-value will be 330.66(10.5)–0.924 = 38.

What does a DCP measure?

Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) testing is used to measure in-situ soil’s strength and the thickness and location of subsurface soil layers. It is similar to CPT in that a metal cone is advanced into the ground to characterize soil behavior continuously.

What is DCP in construction?

Dynamic Cone Penetration Testing. DCP testing is used to determine the strength of the subsurface and design load of the soil.

How much does a DCP weigh?

The Dynamic Cone Penetration Test provides a measure of a material’s in-situ resistance to penetration. The test is performed by driving a metal cone into the ground by repeated striking it with a 17.6 lb (8 Kg)weight dropped from a distance of 2.26 feet (575 mm).

How does DCP calculate CBR?

Calculation of CBR Value from DCPT Result

  1. Record the initial reading on the dynamic cone penetrometer scale.
  2. Calculate the value of penetration (in mm) for each blow by subtracting the previous recorded reading (i.e. reading on scale) from the current reading.

How do you carry out a DCP test?

Conducting a DCP test involves raising and dropping the hammer to drive the cone on the lower shaft through the underlying pavement layers. Typically, after each hammer blow, the penetration of the cone is measured and recorded. In stiffer soils, readings may be recorded after several hammer blows.

Does CBR relate to bearing capacity?

The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is a simple strength test that compares the bearing capacity of a material with that of a well-graded crushed stone (thus, a high quality crushed stone material should have a CBR @ 100%).

What is DCP test?

The dynamic cone penetration (DCP) test provides a measure of a materials in-situ resistance to penetration. The test is used to determine the structural properties of sub-grade materials beneath road pavements. Either thicker pavement layers might be needed or better compaction.

What is the relationship between DCP and CBR?

Based on the field and laboratory test results relationships between soaked CBR and DCP, unsoaked CBR and DCP, and soaked CBR and unsoaked CBR are established for fine and coarse grained soils. The relationship developed between DCP and CBR value for fine grained soil shows better than that of for coarse grained soil.

Can CBR value be greater than 100?

The harder the surface, the higher the CBR rating. High quality crushed rock has a CBR over 80. The standard material for this test is crushed California limestone which has a value of 100, meaning that it is not unusual to see CBR values of over 100 in well compacted areas.

How do you run a DCP?

What is the drivedcp 550?

DCP 550 is a panel mounted (144 x 144 mm) high functionality programmer/controller for process variable versus time control of temperature, humidity, flow, pressure and other variables.

How do you use a digital weight scale at home?

Place these scales on your bench top and view weights on an easy-to-read digital screen. Weigh loads without obstructing the display. Mount the display up to 9 feet from the platform. The attached cover protects the scale while you carry it. Small enough to carry with you for measurements on the go.

How do you use a weight scale on a bench?

Place these scales on your bench top and view weights on an easy-to-read digital screen. Weigh loads without obstructing the display. Mount the display up to 9 feet from the platform. The attached cover protects the scale while you carry it.

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