How is ULFI scored?

How is ULFI scored?

The ULFI is a 25-item 3-point response option PRO that is scored by simple addition of the responses then converted to a 100 point percentage scale. Up to two missing responses are permitted [7].

What is the DASH outcome measure?

Go to DASH website. Published: January 1996. The DASH (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand) Outcome Measure is a 30-item, self-report questionnaire that measures physical function and symptoms in people with musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limb.

What is upper limb function?

The primary purpose of the upper limb is to move the hand around the body during the activities of life. The shoulder girdle provides a wide range of motion—exceeding a hemisphere–so that the hand may reach in all directions.

What are the upper extremities?

The part of the body that includes the arm, wrist, and hand.

How do you score upper dash quick extremity?

To calculate a QuickDASH score, at least 10 of the 11 items must be completed. Similar to the DASH, each item has 5 response options and, from the item scores, scale scores are calculated, ranging from 0 (no disability) to 100 (most severe disability).

What do QuickDASH scores mean?

In both the DASH and QuickDASH a higher scores indicate a greater level of disability and severity, whereas, lower scores indicate a lower level of disability. [1] The score on both test ranges from 0 (no disability) to 100 (most severe disability)

What are the four parts of the upper extremity?

Each arm consists of four main parts:

  • upper arm.
  • forearm.
  • wrist.
  • hand.

What are the functions of the upper and lower limb?

The upper limb and lower limbs were evolved basically for bearing the weight of the body and for locomotion. In quadrupeds forelimbs and hindlimbs are, therefore, built on the same basic pattern.

What is upper extremities and lower extremities?

Specialized Care for Fractures There are countless ways that people can suffer broken bones (fractures) in their upper extremities (hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, upper arm, and shoulder) and lower extremities (hip, thigh, knee, lower leg, ankle, and foot).

How is the quick dash scored?

The QuickDASH is scored in two components: the disability/symptom section (11 items, scored 1-5) and the optional high performance sport/music or work modules (four items, scored 1-5).

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