How long does a minim note last?

How long does a minim note last?

The minim, or half note, lasts twice as long as a crotchet, or 2 counts. It looks the same as the crotchet or quarter note, except it’s white. The semibreve or whole note lasts twice as long as a minim, or for 4 counts.

What is the note for minim?

half note
A minim is a musical note worth half a semibreve (whole note) and twice a crochet (quarter-note). It is known as a minim in British, and a half note in American.

Is a minim note longer or shorter than a crotchet note?

Crotchet (Quarter Note) This halves the value of the note again and so a crotchet has a value of one beat, half as long as a minim.

What kind of note is half the length of a minim?


American name British name Relative value
double whole note, double note breve 2
whole note semibreve 1
half note minim 12
quarter note crotchet 14

How many beats is a minim?

2 beats

Musical Notes Chart
Name (UK) Name (US) Beats
semibreve whole note 4 beats
minim half note 2 beats
crotchet quarter note 1 beat

What does a minim rest look like?

A half (minim) rest is drawn as a filled-in rectangle sitting on top of the middle line of the musical staff. It looks like a hat. It’s height is half the distance between lines. It looks similar to a whole rest, but the difference is that it sits above the third line while the whole rest hangs from the fourth line.

What is a minim rest?

Half note rest: Also called a half rest or minim rest, this rest covers half of an entire bar of 4/4. It is one half the length of a whole rest. On a five-line musical staff, a half rest hovers just above the middle line.

How many quavers is a minim?

four quavers
It shows that two quavers (½ beat each) make a crotchet (1 beat). Going up through the chart from the quaver you can see that this must mean that four quavers makes a minim (2 beats).

What do hollow notes mean?

Half notes are notated with a hollow oval notehead like a whole note and straight note stem with no flags like a quarter note (see Figure 1). The half rest (or minim rest) denotes a silence of the same duration.

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