How many micrograms of B12 Do you need a day?
Left untreated, a vitamin B-12 deficiency can lead to anemia, fatigue, muscle weakness, intestinal problems, nerve damage and mood disturbances. The recommended daily amount of vitamin B-12 for adults is 2.4 micrograms.
Is 6 mcg B12 enough?
Some studies indicate that a dose of up to 6 mcg of vitamin B12 per day is ideal for vegans. There is no clarity on the same for vegetarians. B12 has been noticeably linked to improve energy levels, especially in people who are deficient and are taking supplements.
Is 8 mcg enough B12?
There are no specific dosage recommendations for B12 supplements for mental performance or mood. Optimal dosing of vitamin B12 varies by age, lifestyle, and dietary needs. The general recommendation for adults is 2.4 mcg. Older adults, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women, require higher doses.
What is an optimal level of B12?
The vitamin B12 standard reference range is 200–700 pg/ml whereas the proposed optimal range is 500–1300 pg/ml [10]. Higher vitamin B12 ranges have been associated with increased cognitive function, and reflexes, decreased brain atrophy, confusion, weakness and depression [10].
Is it OK to take 250 mcg of B12 a day?
While there’s no upper limit to how much vitamin B12 you can take, there are general dosage recommendations. For example, the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group recommends that vegans consider supplementing with 250 mcg of B12 per day.
Should I take 1000 mcg of B12?
The recommended dose for treating vitamin B12 deficiency is 1000 mcg daily. The recommended dose for preventing vitamin B12 deficiency is 1500 mg or 2500 mcg (sublingual tablets) daily. The dose for treating hyperhomocysteinemia is 400 mg daily in combination with folic acid.
What to do if your B12 is too high?
For people with high levels of B-12, treatment involves adjusting your diet. This may mean eating less animal products like meats, dairy, and seafood. If you’re diagnosed with a B-12 deficiency, the goal of treatment is to increase your level of vitamin B-12.
What does it mean when your blood test shows high B12 levels?
High vitamin B12 is a symptom of an underlying illness that causes the amount in your blood to increase. For example, a damaged liver may release the vitamin out of storage and into the blood. In early stages, illnesses associated with high vitamin B12 often have generic symptoms, such as fatigue and loss of appetite.
What is considered too much B12?
Don’t take more than 100 milligrams a day, which is the upper tolerable limit set by the federal government. Adults of all ages need 2.4 micrograms a day of vitamin B12; there is no upper tolerable limit for B12 because high doses are considered safe for most people.
Is elevated B12 harmful?
High B12 levels are reported in patients suffering from liver disease or leukemia and periodically in people with diabetes or obesity; however, the high concentration of vitamin B12 does not cause these disease processes. There are no adverse affects from taking high doses vitamin B12.