How many names will Codsworth say?

How many names will Codsworth say?

However, robot butler Codsworth is able to say over 900 possible names. The list covers a lot of very basic names like Michael and Amanda. However, Codsworth can also say tons of names prominent from pop culture such as Katniss, Chappy, Mulder, Scully, and Django.

What inappropriate names can Codsworth say?

A Comprehensive List of Easter Eggs and References

  • Asimov. If you’d play with then name of the famous Russian-American science fiction author, then Fallout 4 is more than glad to cater to your needs.
  • Bogdanove. Another voiced name taken directly from real life.
  • Bond.
  • Bruckheimer.
  • Buffy.
  • Everdeen.
  • Furiosa.
  • Grognak.

Can Codsworth say John?

Fallout 4’s robot pal Codsworth can say 924 names, which run the gamut of regular-sounding names like John and Kate to pop culture references like Katniss and Neo, as well as a variety of expletives and other dirty things. …

Does Codsworth say last names?

If you write a first and last name, Codsworth will refer to you as Mr. (2nd/last name) During my first playthrough ever I wrote my full name.

What characters can say your name in Fallout 4?

Fallout 4 introduces a companion named Codsworth, a robot butler who, among other talents, can say a whole bunch of names.

What names does Codsworth say Fallout 4?

Known names

  • Aaliyah.
  • Aaron.
  • Abby.
  • Abigail.
  • Abram.
  • Abrams.
  • Adalyn.
  • Adam.

Is the sole survivor a synth?

No, the Sole Survivor is not a synth. He is the “Sole Survivor”. That label in itself tells you that Nate/Nora is human, being the only fully human (Ghouls being ‘evolved’ or ‘transmuted’ humans) left in the world. Replacing the SS with a synth has no purpose, with no benefit to the Institute.

Can you kiss Piper Fallout 4?

You can romance Piper early in the game, once you raise your bond with her you unlock the Gift of Gab perk, which gives you double xp on speech challenges and discovering new locations.

How many possible names can Codsworth say?

However, robot butler Codsworth is able to say over 900 possible names. The list covers a lot of very basic names like Michael and Amanda. However, Codsworth can also say tons of names prominent from pop culture such as Katniss, Chappy, Mulder, Scully, and Django.

What is the name of the baby in Codsworth?

Codsworth can call the player by inappropriate, vulgar names. The names Shaun, Shawn, Siôn or other variations thereof are strangely absent from this list; especially considering the name of the in-game infant. Sean is present in the list, possibly added in a patch.

Can Codsworth recognize your name in German?

In the German, French and presumably other versions, the subtitles show your chosen name, but Codsworth will not say it. Note: Some names listed may not work. Codsworth is capable of recognizing many of the names above and combining them when spoken. However, there are some he is not able to recognize and repeat, such as John Doe.

What does Codsworth call Richard Ravager III?

For example, if your character were named Cpt. Richard Ravager III; Codsworth will recognize Richard and refer to you as Master Richard. He seems to prefer calling a character by their last name, if recognized. Codsworth can call the player by inappropriate, vulgar names.

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