How many trains Visakhapatnam to Araku?
There are 2 direct trains from Visakhapatnam Junction to Araku which includes 1 daily train and 1 biweekly train.
How do I book vistadome coach to Araku?
Tourists going to Araku, planning to book their tickets by the vistadome coach, being presently attached to train no. 08514/08513 Visakhapatnam-Kirandul-Visakhapatnam special daily express, have to book their seats by giving the train no. as 08504 from Visakhapatnam and as train no. 08503 in the return direction.
How can I go to Araku Valley from Kolkata by train?
No, there is no direct train from Kolkata to Araku Valley. However, there are services departing from Howrah Jn and arriving at Araku via Vishakapatnam. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 18h.
How far is Araku Valley from Vizag?
Distance Between Visakhapatnam to Araku
Distance between Visakhapatnam to Araku by Road is | 115 Kms |
Distance between Visakhapatnam to Araku by Flight is | 80 Kms |
Travel Time from Visakhapatnam to Araku by Road is | 3:38 hrs |
Nearest Airport in Visakhapatnam | Vishakhapatnam Airport (17.69, 83.22) |
What is the price of Vistadome train?
The price of the ticket for the Guwahati-New Haflong train is ₹1,150, while the Vistadome coach in the New Jalpaiguri-Alipurduar train with a 44-seating capacity will have a fare of ₹770, the air-conditioned chair cars will cost between ₹300 and ₹400 per seat and a non-airconditioned seat will cost only ₹85, railway …
Is Vistadome executive chair car?
Remember, the fare of Vistadome tourist couches is in line with the executive class chair car of the Shatabdi Express trains.
How do I reach Araku Valley?
There is a railway station at Araku Valley and a passenger train leaves daily from Vishakhapatnam railway station for Araku Valley. The journey takes about seven hours. After reaching the railway station, you can hire a cab, a bus or any other means of transport to reach your destination or go sightseeing.
When did the rail and road package of Araku start?
The rail and road package of Araku started during 1992. Best time to visit Araku with Rail and Road package is from October to January. The valley will be with full of yellow flowers which makes the entire view color full with greenery all around. The distance between Visakhapatnam and Araku is 132 Kms.
Which is the best tour to cover Araku?
Rail cum Road package ( popularly known as RR package ) of AP tourism is one of the best tour to cover Araku. One of the main attraction of visiting Araku is the train journey upto Araku where train passes through tunnels, bridges and hills.
What is the distance between Araku and Borra Caves?
The distance between Araku and Borra caves is 40 Kms. Check the photo gallery of Bora Caves and details about this cave here. After spending one hour we left for Visakhapatnam and at 8.45 PM we were at Railway station. If you have time constraint then this one day rail cum road package is good for you.