How much are landowner elk tags in New Mexico?
Tags for mediocre hunting units can cost far less than tags in premium units. In the units that we hunt, landowner tags for elk generally range from about $4,000 to around $7,500. The purchase of a landowner tag is also subject to New Mexico sales tax.
What is the best elk unit in New Mexico?
South central New Mexico is home to some of the states best elk hunting with units 34 & 36 leading the way. The two units have been consistent producers of quality bulls (300+) with truly giant bulls (370+) being taken out of both units every year.
Where is the largest elk herd in New Mexico?
the Carson National Forest
Management of elk on the Carson goes back to the early 1900’s when elk were first reintroduced into northern New Mexico. This management is especially meaningful today when the Carson National Forest boasts one of the largest elk herds in the state.
Can you hunt on private property in New Mexico?
New Mexico law requires written permission be obtained prior to hunting, fishing or trapping on private property. Violations are a misdemeanor offense which can result in revocation of hunting and fishing privileges for three years.
Can you buy elk tags in New Mexico?
Guaranteed NM Elk Tags For the elk hunting season, public land tags are no longer available so you will need to go through a private land outfitter New Mexico elk We offer guaranteed landowner tags for Elk, Mule Deer and Antelope in New Mexico.
How do New Mexico landowner elk tags work?
The Department issues private-land elk authorizations to eligible landowners in the Primary and Special Zones through the EPLUS program. These authorizations can be bartered, sold, or traded to hunters. An authorization is then used by hunters to buy a private-land elk license.
How many elk tags are issued in New Mexico?
Since then elk numbers have stabilized, as have the number of licenses in the Big Game Draw – about 21,000 a year since 2008. In addition, Game and Fish sells nearly 2,000 additional licenses over the counter, through the Youth Encouragement hunts, population management hunts and left-over trophy elk (APRE) hunts.
How many elk are in NM?
In northern New Mexico, Rocky Mountain elk from the Yellowstone region were introduced as early as 1910. Today the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish estimates the statewide elk population at 70,000 to 90,000.
How do you hunt elk in New Mexico?
Elk hunting in New Mexico can only be accomplished in one of two ways. You either draw a tag, or buy a landowner permit. A landowner permit is essentially a voucher to allow you to purchase a guaranteed elk tag.
When is elk hunting season in New Mexico?
Below is an overview of the season for elk hunting in New Mexico, for more specifics please follow the link to the appropriate elk hunt. The drawing for elk hunting in New Mexico typically starts in early January and can typically end by middle or 3 week of March.
Where do elk live in New Mexico?
New Mexico Elk Population. Elk typically occupy the mountainous regions of New Mexico. Primary elk habitats include the north-central portion of the state along the Sangre de Cristo and Jemez Mountain ranges, the southwest region, and the southcentral portion of the State along the Sacramento Mountains .
What is a landowner tag?
A landowner tag is what gives a hunter the ability to forgo the draw in select states, which then presents hunters with an opportunity to hunt some of the nicest units that are otherwise hard to come by.