How much does it cost to camp at Somerset Dam?
Pitch the tent, sleep under the stars and experience all the wonders of camping at our Somerset Dam holiday park. We have 4 camping options available ranging from $38 a night to $52 a night.
Is Somerset Dam free?
To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy our beautiful dam, a day access area to Lake Somerset dam is available on the northern site of the park where the public can visit free of charge for the day and utilise the great lake.
Can you have fires at Somerset Dam?
Camp fires are permitted in braziers in the camp ground. The dam is open to all types of vessels. Swimming is permitted in the designated areas. The facilities at the dam include barbeques, picnic tables, toilets and a playground.
Is Somerset Dam camping pet friendly?
No unfortunately domestic animals including dogs, cats and horses are not welcome at any day use areas of Somerset or Wivenhoe Dams due to being water supply for Brisbane and surrounds.
Are there showers at Somerset Dam?
Somerset Park – coin operated hot showers! Popular with water skiers and fishermen, this is a beautiful campground on the banks of Stanley River just below the Somerset Dam. Showers are free (5 minute timed).
How much water is Somerset Dam?
Somerset Dam was built for the dual purposes of water supply for the region and flood mitigation. The dam has a catchment area of 1340km2 and can hold up to 379,849 million litres of water at full supply level.
Is there sharks in Somerset Dam?
“In times before the weir was built, bull sharks were found as far up the river as Lowood not far from Somerset Dam,” Mr Johnson said. One of the most exciting attributes of the bull shark was its ability to become airborne.
Can I take dogs to Queen Mary Falls?
As the falls are within the Main arrange National Park, dogs are not allowed in the area. It is a National Park, so no dogs are allowed.
Are generators allowed at Somerset Dam?
Generators are not permitted at this site. There is no dump point.
Is Lake Somerset pet friendly?
As Lake Somerset is such a large area surely a small part of the camp can be set aside for a pet friendly area.
Does Somerset Dam spill into Wivenhoe?
Somerset Dam was built for the dual purposes of water supply for the region and flood mitigation. Water from Somerset Dam is released into Wivenhoe Dam, which in turn supplements the natural flow of the Brisbane River and maintains an adequate supply of water to the Mt Crosby pumping station located downstream.