How much does it cost to neuter a cat in Montana?

How much does it cost to neuter a cat in Montana?

Feline Surgery Price List
Neuter $45.00
Spay $80.00

What if I can’t afford to get my cat neutered?

Call Spay/USA to get the names, phone numbers, and prices of services that have agreed to provide lower cost spay/neutering for cats and dogs in your local area. Private veterinarians, community programs, and special clinics participate nationwide.

How much does it cost to neuter a cat at PetSmart 2020?

How much does it cost to neuter a cat at PetSmart 2020? It usually costs $70 for a female cat and $60 for a male. “By reducing the cost we are making this more accessible for people to spay and neuter their cats, which will mean those cats are not out there in the community reproducing,” Strooband said.

How much does it typically cost to get a cat neutered?

Private vets cost anywhere from $200–$400 for a spay/neuter procedure. You also have the option to bring your kitty to a lower-cost clinic. These are typically run by nonprofits and all surgeries are performed by licensed veterinarians.

How do I register my dog in Montana?

To apply for a license, please download and fill out the Dog License Application. You must provide a copy of your dogs current rabies vaccination certificate. Stop by or mail your completed form along with a current rabies certificate, proof of spay/neuter and fees to: MAC, 6700 Butler Creek Road, Missoula, MT 59808.

Does Petsmart spay or neuter cats?

We’ve teamed up with the ASPCA to connect pet parents with low-cost spay & neuter clinics in communities across the country. These specialized clinics will provide your pet with high-quality care at an affordable price.

Is female spayed?

The difference between spay and neuter comes down to the gender of the animal. Both terms refer to the surgical sterilization of an animal, but sometimes neuter is used for both genders. Spaying involves removing the uterus and ovaries of a female animal, and neutering removes the testicles of a male animal.

Is neutering covered by pet insurance?

Pet insurance does not cover the cost of preventative treatment such as vaccinations, worming and neutering as this is considered to be an expense that is inclusive of owning a pet. Pet insurance is designed to cover the cost of unexpected veterinary bills due to illness and injury.

How long does it take to neuter a cat?

How long does the surgery take? A male cat neuter can be done in under 2 minutes! A male dog neuter is generally five to twenty minutes, depending on his age and size at the time of neuter. A female cat spay is generally fifteen to twenty minutes, depending on her age and where she is in her heat cycle.

How many cats can you have in Montana?

How many animals am I allowed to have? Unless you apply for and receive a multiple animal permit, you are limited to two dogs and two cats over four (4) months of age.

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