How much is a brown bin in Stroud?

How much is a brown bin in Stroud?

A garden waste license costs £50 and is valid February – November 2020 inclusive. New customers will also need to buy a garden bin which costs £20 (in the first year you pay £70). All applications will be charged at the full license price (£50) no matter what time of year the subscription is made.

Can you recycle shredded paper in Stroud?

Shredded paper must be put inside an envelope or paper bag and put in the recycling box with your glass and paper or taken to one of the recycling bring sites or the Swindon Road Household Recycling Centre.

What are green wheelie bins for?

Green wheelie bins are commonly used for the collection of household and commercial recyclable waste. Green bins are commonly used for the collection of glass, bottles, jars, organic waste (grass, garden and food waste.

Can you put glass in green recycle bin?

Please do not put in your green bin and take these to one of our recycling centres: Light bulbs or fluorescent tubes. Window glass (please put into the general waste container)

What happens to brown bin waste?

This type of waste can be processed either at a composting facility or anaerobic digestion facility to produce an end product of compost or digestate that can be utilised on gardens or by farmers on their land. …

Can you put pumpkins in brown bin?

She said: “Pumpkin seeds are food waste so they shouldn’t be put in the brown bin. “The policy for the collection crews is that if they discover a contaminated bin, they should mark it as such as not collect it. “They should not remove items from a bin.

What can be recycled in Stroud?

A wide variety of items and materials for recycling are accepted, including, paper, cardboard, textiles, garden waste, plastic bottles, engine oil, vegetable oil, light bulbs (traditional and energy efficient), fluorescent tubes, beverage cartons, glass, metal, wood and timber, batteries.

What is black bin used for?

a blue bin for mixed recycling. a green bin for garden waste. a black bin for general refuse.

Can clothes go in recycle bin?

No clothing There are places to recycle clothing, such as Goodwill or Salvation Army, but a curbside recycling bin is not the way to go. Clothing clogs up the machinery at the recycling facility so employees must keep a watchful eye to try to pull out errant clothing.

Can I put hangers in the recycle bin?

The rule of thumb is that you shouldn’t recycle clothes hangers by putting them in your standard recycling bin, as the curved end can get stuck on recycling machinery further down the line.

Does Stroud District Council offer commercial waste collection?

Stroud District Council does not operate commercial waste collections but there are a number of companies both within the District and the County who provide this service. A chargeable* fortnightly garden waste collection service runs from February to the end of November.

When is the garden waste collection service?

A chargeable* fortnightly garden waste collection service runs from February to the end of November. To ensure that hazardous waste is disposed of safely, please follow our advice and guidance. What is fly tipping and how to report it.

What happens if my bin is late for collection?

Collections start from 6:00am. Missed collections should only be reported after 4pm on your collection day. Missed bins should be reported within 2 days of the scheduled collection. Bad weather. Inclement weather such as snow and ice may mean that it is unsafe for bin crews to leave the depot.

Do you supply wheeled bins/boxes and sacks?

We supply different bins/boxes and sacks for different types of rubbish or recycling. If your recycling or waste containers are damaged or missing, you can order replacements. There are a small number of properties that are unsuitable for our wheeled bin service.

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