How much water does a Danio need?
We recommend keeping one zebra danio per two gallons of water. This will give the fish plenty of space to shoal and swim freely throughout the aquarium. This will also avoid overstocking.
Can you overfeed danios?
If it takes more than about a minute for your danios to finish their flakes, they are probably overfed.
What type of water do danios need?
Water Requirements for Danios Most danios tolerate a wide range of water chemistry and temperature, making them ideal beginner fish. pH should be between 7.0 and 7.8, alkalinity between 3° and 8° dkH (50 ppm to 140 ppm) and temperature between 70° and 78° F.
How many gallons do giant Danios need?
Giant Danio Habitat and Care Although a 55-gallon tank is the recommended minimum size, it is possible to keep them in a 30- or 40-gallon tank if it is the long, horizontal variety. Any tank under 36 inches in length is simply too small to comfortably keep giant danios.
How many danios Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?
Danios are active, schooling fish which like to be in a larger group, and which like to have a lot of linear horizontal room to swim in. 3 is too few for them to be comfortable, and a 5 gallon tank is far too small for them.
Do danios need an air pump?
Yes, zebra danios need an air pump. Zebra danios are very active fish, so they benefit from the extra oxygen and movement in the water that an air pump can provide. Because of these benefits, zebra danios should have an air pump in their tanks.
Why does my danio look bloated?
Swim bladder disease bloats the fish, and they struggle to retain the proper depth. By the time you’ve identified a disease like dropsy or swim bladder, it’s usually too late for the fish. The best treatment I’ve found is Melafix, but it’s quite expensive, and very pungent and stinky.
How many giant Danios Can I put in a 75 gallon tank?
I can’t speak too much to the other fish, but 7 should be a fine number in a 75. You may even be able to do a few more. If you want a good mix of males and females, the females tend to have a wider body shape, and more broken line markings.
Do giant Danios jump out of tank?
The tanks should be kept covered since these fish have a tendency to jump and, if not covered, they will jump out of the tank. Giant danios swim and live in a school so it is recommended to keep them in at least a group of six fish.
Can I have 3 danios?
Danios are a schooling fish, and I have always had better success with them in groups not less than 3. They will survive singly as well, but are always happier (subjective but viewable by their activity) in larger groups.
How many danios Can I put in a 3 gallon tank?
Zebra Danios: Ideally suited to a small or medium-sized tank, you can keep up to 4 fish in a 3-gallon container. Zebra Danio fish are often recommended for novices because they tend to be hardier than many other types of fish and they’re not quite as sensitive to their environment.
How big of a tank does a danios need?
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallon. pH: 6.8-7.5. Hardness: to 20°dGH. Temperature: 72-75°F (22-24°C) Tankmates: Peaceful, but keep with larger fish. Giant Danios can reach four inches when they are adults and should be kept only with larger species. Due to their size, they are best kept in medium to large tanks.
How big can a danio fish get?
A couple of species, such as the Dangila and Giant Danios, can reach up to 13 cm in length. Danios are incredibly active, to the point of coming across as boisterous; however, they hardly ever cause injuries to other fish.
How many danios should be kept together?
So, it is better to keep 5-6 Danios in their tank. You can easily keep male and female fish together in a tank. Try to keep them in a separate tank in the breeding season when you are encouraging their reproduction process. This omnivoros species is not a picky eater, so it does not have any special food requirement.
What temperature do danios need to live in?
Temperature: 72-75°F (22-24°C) Tankmates: Peaceful, but keep with larger fish. Giant Danios can reach four inches when they are adults and should be kept only with larger species. Due to their size, they are best kept in medium to large tanks.