How to connect a SignaLink?

How to connect a SignaLink?

First, you will configure it for use with your radio by installing one of our optional Plug & Play Jumper Modules, or the supplied jumper wires inside the unit. Next, you will connect the SignaLink USB to your radio and then to your computer’s USB port which will automatically start the driver installation.

How do I connect my ham radio to my computer?

Two cables are needed to make all connections. A USB cable connects the computer and SignaLink for the audio (soundcard) and a cable to the radio for audio and keying. The cable for the radio is specific to connector type or manufacturer.

What is SignaLink used for?

The SignaLink USB – with it’s own built-in sound chip- allows you to use your computer’s sound card for other computer functions, while enjoying digital communications. No more “You’ve got mail!” or other computer sounds in the middle of your transmission!

What does a SignaLink do?

The SignaLink USB is a sound card interface that provides the necessary hardware to operate virtually all sound card digital and voice modes, but it does NOT provide the “CAT” (Computer Assisted Tuning) hardware needed to control the radio.

What frequency is psk31 on?

PSK31 Frequencies

Frequency Amateur Band
7.040 MHz* 40 meter (regions 1)
7.070 MHz* 40 meter (regions 2)
10.142 MHz 30 meter
14.070 MHz 20 meter

How do I turn my PC into a radio transmitter?

Purchase an FM transmitter that plugs into a PCI slot in your personal computer. Connect the jumper cable from the speaker out/headphone jack on your PC sound card to the audio input on the transmitter. Load the included software. Pick an empty frequency to transmit on.

How do I connect my Mac to my stereo?

It’s a simple 3 step process:

  1. Plug the Toslink To 3.5mm Mini Adaptor into the headphone port on your Mac. It will click into place.
  2. Plug one end of the Toslink cable into the Mini Adapter.
  3. Plug the other end of the Toslink cable into a Toslink/Optical Audio in port on your receiver or pre-amp.

How do I connect my signalink USB interface to my computer?

The SignaLink USB has its own built-in sound card so “Computer sound card” is the correct typeof interface. Select “USB Audio Codec” in both the Input and Output drop-down menus.

Where is the sound card on the signalink USB?

In Windows Vista/7/8.x/10, the SignaLink USB’s sound card is shown as “Microphone – USB Audio Codec” for the input / capture (Receive) side, and “Speakers – USB Audio Code” for the output / playback (Transmit) side.

How do I tune my signalink PSK31?

In the Mode menu, you’ll normally want to select “BPSK31”. This is the most common mode for PSK31. As mentioned in the SignaLink USB manual, you can use DigiPan’s “Tune” feature to transmit a steady test tone to aid in adjusting your transmit power. To do this, click the Mode menu and select Tune.

What do I do if my Mac doesn’t connect to Wi-Fi?

Lean what to do if your Mac doesn’t connect to the internet after joining the Wi-Fi network. To connect to a Wi-Fi network that you know is hidden, choose Other Networks (or Join Other Network) from the Wi-Fi menu , then choose Other. Enter the requested network name, security, and password information.

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