Is 0906 a Smart number?
The mobile network of 0906 or 63906 are either Globe Telecoms or Touch Mobile . You can check the other numbers of the networks in these lists below: Globe Telecoms numbers and prefixes. Touch Mobile numbers and prefixes.
Is 0906 a Globe or TM?
Sort mobile prefixes number by:
Prefix | Network |
0906 | Globe/TM |
0907 | TNT |
0908 | Smart |
0909 | TNT |
How much does it cost to call an 09 number?
The service charge for calls to 09 numbers can range from 1p to £3.60 per minute. You may be charged a one-off call cost ranging from 5p to £6. The service charge must be clearly displayed wherever the phone number is advertised or promoted.
Is an 09 number free?
Special phone numbers, which beginning with 08, 09 and 118, are often used by companies in the UK. On all UK mobile networks, it’s now totally free of charge to call an 0800 or 0808 phone number. For 084, 087, 09 and 118 phone numbers, the cost of your phone call is now divided into two parts.
IS 950 Smart or Globe?
What network is 0950 mobile number? The 0950 is a prefix from Smart and Talk N Text mobile network in Philippines.
Is 0906 a TM?
The prefix 0906 is from Globe Telecom network and Touch Mobile or Republika ng TM mobile network in Philippines. If you’re calling within Philippines just dial the 11 digit number starting with 0906.
Is 0906 an MTN number?
A complete list of Nigerian Phone/GSM Numbers prefix for all Nigerian networks is what this post is all about (MTN, GLO, AIRTEL, 9MOBILE)….TABLE SHOWING PREFIXES FOR ALL NIGERIAN TELCOM NETWORK SERVICE PROVIDER.
Prefixes | Mobile Operator |
0816 | MTN |
0903 | MTN |
0906 | MTN |
What is the mobile network number for 0906?
0906 Mobile Network | Globe or Smart 0906 Mobile Network The mobile network of 0906 or 63906 are either Globe Telecoms or Touch Mobile.
What are 0906 premiun numbers?
Results for 0906 Call Charges. 0906 premiun rate numbers are mainly used for competitions, TV voting, horoscopes, chat lines, adult lines, recorded information and professional advice services. You can bar these premium rate numbers from being dialled from your phone, as you can with other numbers. These numbers are also regulated by PhonepayPlus*.
What is the prefix for smart number in Philippines?
Smart. 0999. Smart (old Umobile prefix) Mobile phone area codes in the Philippines are composed of three digits and always start with the number 9. These area codes do not necessarily indicate a geographic region, instead they represent the service provider. That’s why we’d rather call them mobile number prefixes.
What does 0998 mean on a phone in the Philippines?
Globe or Touch Mobile. 0998. Smart. 0999. Smart (old Umobile prefix) Mobile phone area codes in the Philippines are composed of three digits and always start with the number 9. These area codes do not necessarily indicate a geographic region, instead they represent the service provider.