Is Beefmaster better than Angus?

Is Beefmaster better than Angus?

Beefmasters excel in maternal traits. Beefmaster sired females add even more punch to your crossbreeding program. Crossing British breeds with an American breed such as Angus x Beefmaster leads to even greater advantages because of the Bos Indicus influence in Beefmaster.

What 3 breeds make up the Beefmaster?

The breeding program leading to their establishment was started by Ed C. Lasater in 1908, when he purchased Brahman bulls to use on his commercial herd of Hereford and Shorthorn cattle (Beefmaster cattle are 50% Brahman, 25% Hereford, and 25% Milking Shorthorn).

Is Beefmaster a good cattle?

Beefmaster Cattle Pros Intelligent and docile by nature-makes them great mothers. Heat tolerant-important in Southern regions where the climate is mostly hotter but can also be used up North. Beefmaster bulls have a strong libido-important for breeding. The breed has a lot of hide color variation.

Is Beefmaster Bos indicus?

Beefmasters are a composite breed made up of roughly one-half Bos Taurus (Hereford and Shorthorn) and one-half Bos Indicus (Nelore from Brasil, Gir & Guzerat from India).

What makes a Beefmaster?

Beefmaster is a breed of beef cattle that was developed in the early 1930s by Tom Lasater (the breed founder), from a systematic crossing of Hereford cows and Shorthorn cows with Brahman bulls. The original intention was to produce cattle that could produce economically in the difficult environment of South Texas.

How much does a Beefmaster bull cost?

J M Martinez Beefmaster

# Beefmaster Purebred Average
7 spring pairs $3,836
22 total female lots $3,395
2 spring yearling bulls $3,200
2 total bull lots $3,200

How much is a beefmaster cow?

East Texas Louisiana Beefmaster Marketing Group Sale

# Beefmaster Purebred Average
2 exposed heifers $3,300
11 bred heifers $3,591
13 bred cows $3,131
1 spring pairs $3,000

How much is a Beefmaster cow worth?

Robbins Cattle

# Beefmaster Commercial Average
15 bred heifers $3,967
4 bred cows $4,925
12 fall pairs $3,879
58 total lots $4,388

Where is the Beefmaster farm?

Our Farm is located in the beautiful mountains of North Georgia, just south of Blairsville. The Farm has been in our family for over 100 years. Beefmasters are typically a sturdy but gentle breed with a great disposition. Our concentration is on the Red Polled Beefmaster Cattle and are primarily grass fed with minimal supplemental grain.

Who is Oakhill farms Beefmaster cattle?

Welcome to the web home of Oakhill Farms Beefmaster Cattle. We specialize in breeding and developing some of the best Red Polled Beef Cattle on the market today. Our Farm is located in the beautiful mountains of North Georgia, just south of Blairsville.

Why choose Beefmaster cattle?

Because Beefmaster cattle have the potential to gain more efficiently on grass and feed, while maintaining highly marketable carcasses, they are less costly to grow and will yield higher returns.

Where are Casey Beefmaster Bulls working?

Casey Beefmaster bulls are working in Mexico, as far north as Minnesota, Missouri, Oklahoma & Indiana, east in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Kentucky, west in Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico and Oregon, ALL over Texas and in several other states. Each year we offer herd sires for sale.

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