Is Boomburst special attack?

Is Boomburst special attack?

Boomburst (Japanese: ばくおんぱ Sound Wave Explosion) is a damage-dealing Normal-type move introduced in Generation VI….Boomburst (move)

Type Normal
Category Special
PP 10 (max. 16)
Power 140
Accuracy 100%

What does boom burst do?

Boomburst deals massive damage and targets all adjacent Pokémon in battle, including allies.

How do I learn Boomburst?

Boomburst can only be learned via Level Up.

Is Boomburst good for Toxtricity?

Boomburst is one half of Toxtricity’s bread and butter move pair. This is an absurdly powerful move with a base power of 140 and an accuracy of 100%. But with Toxtricity’s Punk Rock ability, Boomburst comes out having an insane base power of 182.

Is Boomburst good for Flygon?

The benefit to Boomburst is consistency. Boomburst has higher base power than a STAB Earth Power, so of your looking for a finishing sweep, Boomburst is a good move to go with! Tailwind support Flygon can definitely be useful.

Can Swellow learn Boomburst?

Learnability. Known Pokémon that can learn Boomburst naturally include Exploud, Noivern and Vibrava. While they aren’t known to be able to learn it themselves, by evolving from a Pokémon that knows it, Boomburst can be known by Flygon, Swellow, Toucannon and Trumbeak.

Is Swellow a good Pokemon?

Swellow has the best base speed and base attack. So if you are looking for simple, uncomplicated sweeping with stab flying or normal moves, then go swellow.

Is low key better than amped?

Amped has Venoshock for more damage against a poisoned foe. Low-Key has the move that lowers attack, special attack, and speed which can be used for support.

What’s the best Moveset for toxicity?

Best Moveset for Toxtricity in Pokemon Sword and Shield

  • Shift Gear.
  • Boomburst.
  • Overdrive.
  • Drain Punch.

What’s Flygons best Moveset?

Best moveset for Flygon The best moves for Flygon are Dragon Tail and Earthquake when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles.

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