Is Dante Basco a homestuck?
Homestuck, a popular multimedia webcomic series, announces that Dante Basco (Hook, Avatar: The Last Airbender) has joined the Homestuck creative team to bring the series to Hollywood.
How famous is homestuck?
It has been noted for its complex and nonlinear plot, considerable length at over 8,000 pages and 800,000 words, and intensely devoted fan community. The webcomic has drawn comparisons to Ulysses due to its high reading difficulty, and Homestuck has been cited as the first great work of Internet fiction.
Who is Rufio in Peter Pan?
Rufio was a member of the Lost Boys who assumed command after their leader Peter Pan left Neverland to grow up. When an adult Peter returned, Rufio did not believe that he was Peter and refused to accept him. After Peter regained his powers as the Pan, Rufio gave him back his sword as a sign of acceptance.
Who is the Summoner in homestuck?
Rufioh Nitram (post-scratch)
What is Dante Basco nationality?
Dante Basco/Nationality
Is nepeta a boy or girl?
Nepeta Leijon, also known by her Trollian handle, “arsenicCatnip”, is one of the trolls. Her associated zodiac sign is Leo (♌) and she has horns shaped like cat ears.
How did Dante Basco get started with Homestuck?
On February 26th, 2012, the actor Dante Basco, most famous for his role as Rufio in the movie Hook and his voice-over performance as Prince Zuko in the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender, began reading and occasionally liveblogging Homestuck on the recommendation of his followers.
Who is the creator of Homestuck?
Andrew Hussie. Andrew Hussie is the creator of Homestuck. Throughout the course of the webcomic, Hussie has self-inserted himself multiple times into the story. In the beginning, it was just for story recaps, but later his narrating character played a role in the story.
What happened to Homestuck season 5?
After being on a hiatus since September 6th, Homestuck was updated with a finale to its fifth act consisting of nine pages and a Flash animation on October 25th, 2011. Hussie chose to host the animation on the website Newgrounds, in a attempt to avoid crashing the MS Paint Adventures website.
Why is Homestuck so popular?
On October 2, 2012, Bryan Lee O’Malley, the creator of the popular comic book series Scott Pilgrim, interviewed with Andrew Hussie on AOL Comics Alliance. According to Wikipedia, O’Malley described Homestuck as a “massive undertaking of deftly-handled long-term serialized storytelling. It’s well-written and thoughtful.