Is Desperateness a word?

Is Desperateness a word?

Utter lack of hope: despair, desperation, despond, despondence, despondency, hopelessness.

How do you use the word desperate?

Desperate sentence example

  1. By now, he had to be desperate to get rid of her.
  2. I was desperate to get away from there!
  3. I was desperate to learn more details about the crime.
  4. The police were desperate to find her.
  5. She must have been desperate to make him sleep on his own.

What is an example of desperation?

The state of being desperate. Desperation is defined as a loss of hope, or a great need that can make you act irrationally. When you are absolutely starving and you steal a loaf of bread because you are feeling so hungry, this is an example of acting out of desperation.

What is a desperate person?

Definitions of desperate. a person who is frightened and in need of help. “they prey on the hopes of the desperate” types: goner, toast. a person in desperate straits; someone doomed.

What is a desperate situation?

Desperate means “having lost all hope.” If you are desperate for food, it means you are starving, possibly about to die. If you are in a desperate situation, it means things are really, really bad.

What is the meaning of desperate person?

A desperate person is willing to take any measures and may be dangerous: desperate criminals.

Does desperation mean desperate?

recklessness of despair
the state of being desperate or of having the recklessness of despair. the act or fact of despairing; despair.

How do you use smother in a sentence?

Smother in a Sentence ?

  1. When the camp leader decided he needed to smother the fire before going to bed, he took his booted foot and stomped it out.
  2. Taking a pillow to smother the victim by holding it firmly on top of her face is one way to cause the victim to die since she can’t breathe.

How do you use desperate in a sentence?

desperate Sentence Examples. By now, he had to be desperate to get rid of her. I was desperate to learn more details about the crime. She must have been desperate to make him sleep on his own. The police were desperate to find her. Most were rotten to the core, jaded or desperate, because that’s the way he liked them.

What is the meaning of desperate situation?

1 : very sad and worried and with little or no hope People became desperate for food. 2 : showing great worry and loss of hope a desperate call for help. 3 : giving little reason to hope : causing despair a desperate situation. 4 : reckless because of despair : rash He made a desperate attempt to escape.

What is a synonym for desperateness?

Synonyms for desperateness desperation despond despondence despondency discouragement gloom hopelessness

Are these actions by desperate adversaries just desperate attempts?

These actions are desperate attempts by desperate adversaries. What we have seen in the last year or two was … a desperate flight to consumer revenue for those who are not in it already.

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