Is full AP Zac good?

Is full AP Zac good?

Zac works really well building full AP, as most of his abilities still scale with it. His Elastic Slingshot scales with a whopping 90% of your AP. His W Unstable Matter will do an extra 2% of the enemies’ max health per 100 AP. His Q Stretching Strikes isn’t that great, but it still has 30% AP Scaling.

Is Zac good in season 11?

Zac Build 11.24 ranks as an B-Tier pick for the Jungle role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 51.68% (Average), Pick Rate of 4.2% (High), and a Ban Rate of 0.75% (Low).

Is Zac a good support?

Zac is an exotic pick for support yes, but it can be very useful one. He is well known for his CC capabilities and we are gonna exploit them as a support. The enemy won’t be able to do much in a fight when they are stuned for the first 2-3 seconds of it.

Is Zac Top viable?

Yes, Zac can definitely be played top. He won’t have a fun time in a lot of matchups, but can definitely be viable if it’s a tank vs. tank as Zac can keep up in the wet noodle fighting.

Does Zac start red or blue?

Zac can start leashless, if he starts bot he can go raptors or solo red into the next camp. Assuming he does Red, he should be able to be level 3 off of his 3 camps bot (krugs, raptor and buff) and finish his wolves right before scuttle spawns.

Does Zac full clear?

Pro Zac Jungle Path —full clear with a leashless Murk Wolves start. The Pro Zac Jungle Path begins on the Murk Wolves and it is a really advanced pathing that only experienced players should attempt in ranked games. Zac is able to clear the Wolves leashless by utilizing the area of effect damage from Unstable Matter.

Who synergizes with Zac?

52.9% of teammates in matches synergize well with Zac. These are champions who are fine with Zac when present anywhere in the game….

Champion Win Rate Plays
Jhin 55.8% 113
Tristana 54.2% 24
Kai’Sa 53.7% 108
Ezreal 53.4% 219

Is Zac Good League of Legends?

Since his release, Zac has either been one of the most powerful junglers in the game, or a pick that is so bad you may as well just surrender. Between being perma-banned and now, Zac has received nerf after nerf after nerf until he sits at the pitiful place he is in now: the third worst jungler in Patch 7.16.

Is it worth it to build a full AP Zac?

Zac works really well building full AP, as most of his abilities still scale with it. His Elastic Slingshot scales with a whopping 90% of your AP. His W Unstable Matter will do an extra 2% of the enemies’ max health per 100 AP.

What is wolfious’s Zac build?

Yesterday, YouTuber Wolfious showed off a Zac build that emphasizes AP burst, eschewing the League of Legends champion’s tanky style in favor of more one-shot potential. The video combines a highlight reel with an instructional tutorial that explains how the build path works and which itemization is optimal.

Is there a Zac build guide for League of Legends S11?

Find the best Zac build guides for League of Legends S11 Patch 11.18. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Zac build for the S11 meta. Learn more about Zac’s abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community!

Why did this YouTuber go viral for playing full AP Zac?

A recent video on Youtube went viral when this Youtuber, ‘Wofious’ created a video of him playing full AP Zac. Since his debut in 2013, Zac has been a popular League of Legends champion. With the ability to engage in team fight very effectively and to having strong CC skills, his kit is extremely unusual.

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