Is High B12 serious?
Elevated levels of serum cobalamin may be a sign of a serious, even life-threatening, disease. Hematologic disorders like chronic myelogeneous leukemia, promyelocytic leukemia, polycythemia vera and also the hypereosinophilic syndrome can result in elevated levels of cobalamin.
Does high B12 mean liver damage?
Some studies have indicated that elevated serum levels of vitamin B12 might be a sign of a serious and life-threatening disease. Such falsely high valued of serum vitamin B12 levels are observed in myeloproliferative disease, acute hepatitis, severe alcoholic liver disease, and cirrhosis.
Does high B12 mean leukemia?
An abnormally high vitamin B-12 status can be an early sign of liver disease, diabetes, or certain types of leukemia. A doctor may use the results of a vitamin B-12 test to help form their diagnosis.
How long does it take to get rid of excess B12?
Unlike most other vitamins, B12 is stored in substantial amounts, mainly in the liver, until it is needed by the body. If a person stops consuming the vitamin, the body’s stores of this vitamin usually take about 3 to 5 years to exhaust.
How do you control high B12?
You can change your diet to include vitamin B12-fortified grains, a supplement or B12 injections, or a high-dose oral vitamin B12 if you are deficient. Older adults who have a vitamin B12 deficiency will likely have to take a daily B12 supplement or a multivitamin that contains B12.
What cancers cause high B12?
Elevated B12 has been associated with various diseases1,5,6: liver diseases7,8,9,10, myeloid blood malignancies10,11,12,13, chronic renal failure3,14, autoimmune or inflammatory diseases3, Gaucher disease15.
What cancers cause high levels of B12?
How do you treat vitamin B overdose?
If you’re diagnosed with chronic vitamin A toxicity based on a blood test, the most important course of action is to reduce vitamin A intake. In cases of a large toxic dose, you should take activated charcoal.
Can stress cause high B12 levels?
Those who have to deal with highly stressful situations or are in a serious crisis need more vitamin B12 than usual. These situations can be high mental or physical stress such as important exams or difficult tests.
Can thyroid problems cause high B12?
Research shows that there is a high prevalence — approximately 40% — of B12 deficiency in hypothyroid and Hashimoto’s patients. This prevalence may be due to the high association between anemia and hypothyroidism.
What to do if your B12 is too high?
For people with high levels of B-12, treatment involves adjusting your diet. This may mean eating less animal products like meats, dairy, and seafood. If you’re diagnosed with a B-12 deficiency, the goal of treatment is to increase your level of vitamin B-12.
What does high B12 blood levels really mean?
High blood B12 levels can occur in liver conditions such as cirrhosis and hepatitis. Alcoholic liver disease is an example of a liver condition associated with high vitamin B12 . With alcoholic liver disease, vitamin B12 as well as its carrier proteins can be elevated.
What does it mean when your blood test shows high B12 levels?
High vitamin B12 is a symptom of an underlying illness that causes the amount in your blood to increase. For example, a damaged liver may release the vitamin out of storage and into the blood. In early stages, illnesses associated with high vitamin B12 often have generic symptoms, such as fatigue and loss of appetite.
What medical conditions cause high B12 levels?
High blood B12 levels can occur in liver conditions such as cirrhosis and hepatitis. Alcoholic liver disease is an example of a liver condition associated with high vitamin B12. With alcoholic liver disease, vitamin B12 as well as its carrier proteins can be elevated.