Is imbiber a word?
One who imbibes, who drinks, especially alcoholic beverages.
Can imbibe be used as a noun?
one who imbibes, who drinks, especially alcoholic beverages.
What is the meaning of Acceptive?
adjective. inclined to receive or accept; receptive: She was seldom acceptive of my suggestions. reasonably satisfactory; acceptable: an acceptive mode of transportation.
What is imbibe water?
Imbibition is a special type of diffusion that takes place when water is absorbed by solids-colloids causing an increase in volume. Water surface potential movement takes place along a concentration gradient; some dry materials absorb water.
What is another word for Acceptive?
What is another word for acceptive?
receptive | amenable |
approachable | persuadable |
perceptive | impressionable |
susceptive | sensitive |
accessible | swayable |
Is receptiveness a word?
Ready acceptance of often new suggestions, ideas, influences, or opinions: open-mindedness, openness, receptivity, responsiveness.
How do you use imbibe in a sentence?
Examples of imbibes in a sentence: 1. He imbibes little by little the most fatal of all kinds of selfishness, the selfishness of the home. 2. The philanthropist, when he feels that the most efficient service is to be patient and to wait, imbibes the strength of your fortitude. 6.
What is a sentence using the word imbibe?
– 1.1 Absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge) ‘if one does not imbibe the culture one cannot succeed’ More example sentences ‘I wonder if young medics busy imbibing knowledge and collecting – 1.2 Botany (especially of seeds) absorb (water) into ultramicroscopic spaces or pores. – 1.3 Botany Place (seeds) in water in order for them to absorb it.
What is the opposite of imbibe?
Antonyms for imbibed include abstained from, avoided, forwent, passed up, refrained from, curbed, refused, spurned, denied oneself of and did without. Find more opposite words at!
What does Embibe mean?
The word ‘Imbibe’ is a verb and it means to absorb or retain something, usually as if drinking. It has been derived from the Latin word imbibere and originated in1367.