Is INFP a rare personality?

Is INFP a rare personality?

INFPs are also rare, making up about 4 to 5 percent of the population. You might be if you identify with these 12 less obvious INFP personality traits.

Why INFPs are so special?

INFPs have a strong desire to have a purpose in life. Caring and empathetic, INFPs long to help others and to make the world a better place. They’ll often look out for the underdog. INFPs are a unique mix of being highly in touch with their own emotions and also wanting to understand others on a deep level.

What are the characteristics of an INFP?

A Mediator (INFP) is someone who possesses the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting personality traits. These rare personality types tend to be quiet, open-minded, and imaginative, and they apply a caring and creative approach to everything they do.

What zodiac signs are INFP?

INFP: People born under the Aquarius sign are generally altruistic and intellectual. As humanitarians, they’re known for being friendly to everyone they encounter. INFP personality types are also known for this quintessential loyalty and idealism, which is why these two are a natural pair.

Why INFPs are the best?

INFPs sense and feel things that many personality types never will. First, it yields some pretty incredible art, for much original art is born of authentic feelings. Second, it affords an INFP the unique ability to feel what other people are feeling. They’re able to genuinely empathize with people in heart-felt ways.

What is your MBTI personality type?

Definition The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely-used personality inventory, or test, employed in vocational, educational, and psychotherapy settings to evaluate personality type in adolescents and adults age 14 and older. In an educational setting, the MBTI may be performed to assess student learning style.

What’s the Dark Side of an INFP?

The dark side of an INFP can be a sad and lonely one. INFPs often make decisions based on their feelings. That is because we often feel A LOT and very strongly. These lyrics from The Front Bottoms instantly resonated with me and made me think how INFP-like they were: “When I am sad, I am sad But when I’m happy, oh god I am happy

How common is INFP personality?

No. INFP is not a common personality type but it isn’t the rarest. Approximately 4.4% of the population make up the INFP personality – with INFJ being the rarest at 1.5% and ISFJ being the most common at 13.8%.

What exactly is an INTP-T personality?

You are a bit pessimistic. As a turbulent personality,you have a high percentage of not being satisfied with the life you live.

  • Easily feel emotions. The INFP-T personality is strong in feeling their emotions.
  • Asking for forgiveness is easy.
  • They seek opinions.
  • They appreciate life’s failures.
  • They are not as risky.
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