Is LF SSJ2 Gohan good?

Is LF SSJ2 Gohan good?

SP SSJ2 Youth Gohan RED is simply a perfect Fighter. His Zenkai Stat-backed Cover Change effect makes him one of the game’s strongest Defensive Fighters; his immaculate Blast and Ki Recovery Buffs for Hybrid Saiyan and Son Family Tag Fighters makes him one of the game’s strongest Supporters.

Can future Gohan go SSJ2?

P.T. Future Gohan wasn’t as strong as present Gohan. He also did not train with Goku in the hyperbolic time chamber. Part of the reason Gohan was able to go SSJ2 was because he mastered the super saiyan transformation with Goku.

Why did Gohan go ss2?

Gohan powers up to Super Saiyan 2 Enraged with Cell for killing the good-natured Android 16, and the Cell Juniors’ beating of his friends and father, Gohan’s hidden power erupts, transforming him into a second level of Super Saiyan (which would later be called Super Saiyan 2).

Is Super gogeta good DB legends?

SP Super Gogeta GRN is an excellent and appreciated addition to the Fusion Warrior Tag, which has languished without new arrivals for some time. Enough Fighters exist on both of his main Tags that can bridge the gap for Gogeta, who needs to be on a Team conducive to his playstyle to truly excel.

What is the strongest character in Dragon Ball Legends?

10 Strongest Characters In Dragon Ball Legends, Ranked

  1. 1 SP Super Saiyan 2 Youth Gohan (Red)
  2. 2 SP Android #18 (Yellow)
  3. 3 SP Super Saiyan Goku 3 (Green)
  4. 4 SP Super Saiyan God Super Siyan Goku (Blue)
  5. 5 SP Super Gogeta (Red)
  6. 6 SP Super Saiyan Bardock (Blue)
  7. 7 SP Super Saiyan 4 Goku (Purple)
  8. 8 SP Majin Buu: Good (Green)

Does Goten have ssj2?

We do not see Goten use Super Saiyan 2 in Dragonball GT, in the recent films, or in Dragonball Super. It’s possible that will change as the new series progresses.

How did Future Gohan lose his arm?

He was successful in hiding until the androids decided to bomb the entire area in hopes of driving them out. Future Gohan manages to protect Trunks and stay hidden, but at the cost of his left arm, which is completely blown off in the bombing.

Who goes Super Saiyan 2 first?

Gohan is the first person to attain the form in the manga and the anime, and he uses it while fighting against Cell in the Cell Games. Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks soon follow. Goku trains to achieve it in the Other World, while both Vegeta and Future Trunks reach the form by training on Earth.

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