Is Ma Rainey appropriate for kids?
Rated R for language, a sex scene, and heavy topics like racism, murder, and rape, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom is not kid friendly. However, some teens may want to watch as the late Chadwick Boseman stars in it, and it’s emotional to see him on screen.
Is Ma Rainey rated R?
Viola Davis and Chadwick Boseman avoid turning their roles into caricatures and get you down and dirty in 1927 Chicago in raw, heartfelt performances. “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” is rated R for language, brief sexuality, violence, and the rigorous downing of a bottle Coke.
Is Ma raineys Black Bottom rated R?
Why is Nomadland rated R?
The MPAA rating has been assigned for “some full nudity.” The evaluation includes a woman bathing fully nude, a dancing scene and a few hugs, a couple of bouts of illness, discussion of the death of loved ones, the loss of livelihoods, nomadic lifestyles, and some mild language.
Can kids watch Ma raineys Black Bottom?
Intriguing though it may be, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom isn’t a movie for everyone, specifically, children. Along with a heaping helping of cussing, there is a brief sex scene, and a good deal of dialogue which contains some very mature subject matter.
Who is the protagonist in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom?
Viola Davis
Why Viola Davis Doesn’t View Her Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom Character As The Protagonist Or Antagonist. In the Netflix film Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, the titular character played by Viola Davis is a force to be reckoned with.
Is Nomadland a sad movie?
Strange, affecting and melancholy, Nomadland leaves one with a lingering feeling of sadness for a society fraying at the edges, scattering fragments across the map of America. It puts faces and personalities to those drifting particles of humanity that collect in out-of-the-way corners.
Is Nomadland scary?
Nomadland by Jessica Bruder is a nonfiction modern day horror novel. I liked the highly appropriate subtitle: Surviving America In The Twenty-First Century. I am an avid fan of fiction horror novels but this real horror story hits close to home.
Why is Ma raineys black Rated R?
Sexual Content: There is a brief sex scene between a man and woman which contains no nudity. Women flirt and one kisses the other on the neck. There is dialogue describing a brutal rape with multiple assailants. Some of the songs and dialogue contain sexual innuendo.
Is Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom R rated?
Is Ma Rainey the protagonist?
The protagonist in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom is Ma Rainey herself. The musicians wait around until Ma Rainey, an African-American singer who is regarded as the “mother of the blues,” arrives at their studio in the South Side of Chicago in the 1920s.
Did Viola Davis sing in Ma Rainey?
While it is Davis’ voice who belts out “These Dogs of Mine,” Lewis performs the rest of the numbers. In an interview with Variety, Lewis explains how she came to sing in the Oscar-nominated film and got to lip-sync for Viola Davis.