Is NdeI a good enzyme?
DNA Restriction Enzymes from Takara such as NdeI are high-quality: perform restriction enzyme digestion with reliable restriction endonucleases.
What is the buffer for restriction enzyme digestion?
Buffers containing low concentrations of EDTA (1mM) are often used to protect DNA from nuclease degradation during storage, but EDTA can interfere with restriction enzyme digestion if the final concentration in the reaction is too high.
What are the restriction site sequences for NdeI?
NdeI: a restriction endonuclease from Neisseria denitrificans which cleaves DNA at 5′-CATATG-3′ sequences.
What is NdeI restriction enzyme?
NdeI is a specific Type II restriction enzyme that cuts open specific target sequences, unlike exonucleases. This enzyme is used in gene cloning to cut open reading frames in the plasmid of certain bacteria such as E.
Can BamHI be heat inactivated?
Heat inactivation Up to 10 Units BamH I / µg DNA can be heat-inacti- vated by 15 min incubation at 65°C, higher enzyme concentrations can no more be completely inactivated under these conditions.
What is restriction buffer?
Reaction buffers for use in experiments involving restriction enzymes, such as restriction digestions. Different buffer solutions create optimal reaction conditions for specific restriction enzymes, or facilitate multiple enzymatic reactions.
How do you make a buffer for digestion?
Make solutions of 1 M Tris-HCl pH 8.0, and 0.5 M EDTA pH8, autoclave them; 20 % SDS. Then you can prepare your basic buffer, e.g. 100 ml: 0.58 g NaCl, 1 ml Tris-solution, 5 ml EDTA solution, 2.5 ml SDS, fill up with water. When preparing the digestion add fresh proteinase to the desired volume.
What is buffer zone in agriculture?
Buffer zones are an area of cropped land adjacent to watercourses (including ditches and dry ditches) that cannot be sprayed. They are designed to protect aquatic organisms (including plants, fish, and insects) from potential toxicity caused by some plant protection products, where a risk has been identified…
Why choose neneb’s restriction enzyme buffer system?
NEB’s restriction enzyme buffer system makes your restriction digests easy and convenient. We are able to offer >210 restriction enzymes that cut in a single buffer, CutSmart® .
Can I use heat INAC or neneb with my enzyme?
NEB has rigorously tested both and has not seen any difference in enzyme performance when using either buffer. Either buffer can be used with your enzyme. All website content will be switched in April to reflect the changes, although you may not receive the new buffer with your product immediately. Heat Inac.
What are Fermentas FastDigest enzymes?
Thermo Scientific Fermentas FastDigest enzymes are an advanced line of restriction enzymes for rapid DNA digestion. During our 30 years of restriction enzyme research, we compiled one of the largest collections of restriction enzyme producing bacterial strains in the industry.