Is NYX good Dota 2?

Is NYX good Dota 2?

For the goddess in Dota 2 lore, see Nyx. Nyx Assassin, is a melee agility hero who is feared as one of the most effective gankers and solo-killers in the game. With his powerful burst damage nukes, Nyx Assassin specializes in disabling and killing lone and fragile enemies with little to no warning.

When should I play Nyx Assassin?

The timing is extremely close, you have to nyx the spell at ~59s. Mana Burn does more raw damage on INT heroes, but mana is a much more expensive resource on STR and AGI heroes.

Who can counter Nyx Assassin?


  • Heroes with global or very long range spells can help Nyx Assassin take out tougher enemies: Zeus, Ancient Apparition,
  • Tanky heroes who can lure enemies to use their AoE nukes, allowing Nyx Assassin to counter-initiate with Spiked Carapace.

What hero counters Nyx?

Nyx AssassinCounters

Hero Dis. Hero Win Rate
Lifestealer 2.24% 46.94%
Templar Assassin 2.12% 50.64%
Juggernaut 1.77% 47.17%
Kunkka 1.68% 49.33%

What animal is Nyx Assassin?

Physiology. Already unique to his own species, whose telepathic abilties render them unique amongst every creature in the seven planes, the Nyx Assassin emerged from his metamorphosis as a powerful arachnid with sharp mandibles, blade-like claws, and a consciousness whose thoughts are as penetrating as its appendages.

What Lane is Nyx Assassin?

Nyx AssassinMelee, Disabler, Escape, Initiator, Nuker

Lane Presence XPM
Off Lane 69.84% 478
Safe Lane 15.93% 451
Mid Lane 8.82% 513

What position is Nyx?

Nyx Assassin is best played as a roamer or a solo offlaner in order to maximize his effectiveness. As an offlaner, Nyx Assassin can take advantage of his innately high base HP regen to survive enemy harassment, and has Spiked Carapace at his disposal to deflect enemy magic nukes back at their casters.

Who is Crixalis?

Crixalis, the Sand King[edit] This essential identity calls itself Crixalis, meaning ‘Soul of the Sand,’ but others know it as Sand King. Sand King takes the form of a huge arachnid, inspired by the Scintillant Waste’s small but ubiquitous denizens; and this is a true outward expression of his ferocious nature.

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