Is Resident Evil Revelations 2 fun?

Is Resident Evil Revelations 2 fun?

Both Revelations games are phenomenal but Resident Evil Revelations 2 is a next level experience. Just playing this game on your own is very fun. I’ve sunk so many hours into playing the Raid Mode alone, never mind the story. -A “Raid Mode” side of the game that adds hours upon hours of addictive gameplay.

What is Resident Evil: Revelations 2 rated?

Mixed or average reviews based on 17 Critic Reviews What’s this? Summary: The beginning of the Resident Evil Revelations 2 tale sees fan favorite Claire Redfield make a dramatic return….Awards & Rankings.

95 #95 Best Switch Game of 2017
89 #89 Most Shared Switch Game of 2017

Did Jill have the vaccine re3?

Resident Evil 3 after credits scene However, judging from the character model, it’s unlikely it’s a male character from the series. It’s more likely that it is Jill, given she was the one who was last seen holding the vaccine in the very last shot before the credits rolled on Resident Evil 3.

Is Resident Evil Revelations 2 a good game?

Resident Evil Revelations 2’s pulpy story, occasionally brilliant co-op gameplay, and excellent Raid mode balances out its dull environments and overused enemies. While I would have liked Capcom to have aimed higher, this is a mostly enjoyable horror experience, albeit an unmemorable one.

Why is rerevelations 2 so good?

Revelations 2 is at its best when it makes us use all these skills at once. Its most satisfying moments involve switching between characters on the fly – or shrieking instructions at your partner if playing in split-screen or online co-op – in order to make it through particularly tricky or dangerous areas.

Who is Natalia in Resident Evil 2?

Resident Evil fan-favourite Barry Burton is back in the second timeline, joined by mysterious newcomer Natalia, a little girl whose memory harbors half-remembered secrets.

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